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I want it more.. he wants less

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Is it bad for a girl do want sex more often than her bf wants it? I"m always thinking about sex with my bf and even after we had sex I want more. Are there any girls out there with this same problem? Guys does it bother you if your gf wants more sex even when you don't want it?

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Hello sasha...


As indicated in many other posts throughout the site, women peak sexually in their mid-30's. So, I suppose nothing is wrong with your desires.


Since most men peak sexually in their mid-20's, it's not uncommon for a woman your age to find her partner lacking the same desire for sex.


I'd prefer a partner with a high sex-drive, and many other men do as well.



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This is a common problem for men, typically younger men want sex more than their partners are willing to give. It is rare that we get the amount of sex we would like to have when you are in a relationship and your partner wants less sex then typically you will be having less sex. Thats just how it works, if the two people can reach some kind of agreement and compromise about the amount of sexual activity then thats more beneficial but that doesnt always happen.

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I don't know if I really agree that it has to do with age IMO, when I was younger I didn't want sex at all. I guess I wasn't really atracted to the guy that I was with at the time. But "wow" the guy I'm with right now! I'm very attracted too! I think it has alot to do with attraction.

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I think so too! Well, you could try to do sexy little things to get him aroused more often. If doing these things don't get him to want you more, you should seriously consider your sexual compatability. Whether people like to admit it or not, sex is an important aspect to a relationship....especially one in which the both of you are really serious of one another and hope that it will last a lifetime.

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