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I Want To Marry My Gf Of 4 Years But Her Parents Won't Agree


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Sooooooooooo I've been with my girl for 4 years. We love each other like crazy. But we got in an argument about 3 months ago. And we didn't talk. Even tho we didn't talk. I still missed her everyday. Then finally I started talking to her about 2 weeks ago. She told me to move on with my life. I knew that didn't sound like her. Then finally she told me that her parents want her to starting talking to a guy that they picked out for her. He has the money and goes to school. She always wanted me to go to school but I always told her I don't need school to make money. About a week ago I finally got to see her and we let our feelings out. Both of us in tears. I love her very much and says she loves me too. But she doesn't want to disappoint her parents. Specially her dad. Because she told him about our relationship and he said he was gonna kill himself. He has 3 more daughters that he has to get married and she is the second oldest. He wants a successful/educated guy for her. I'm on the way to be successful and I told her I will take online courses and get a degree just for her. She is stuck too because the guy she is talking to is very nice(but they are the same height and she can't wear heels around him, she loves heels lol). She is a little hesitant to stop talking to the guy I feel like(not 100% sure). I love her a lot. Everything is attached to her in my life. I know I would keep her the happiest women in world. She knows that too. But her parents are a big problem in this situation. I love her a lot. I would do anything for her. Even get out of her life if that's what would make her happy. But I don't know what to do. Should I keep trying to be with her while she is talking to the guy her parents picked out. Or should I leave?

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She told me to move on with my life. I knew that didn't sound like her. Then finally she told me that her parents want her to starting talking to a guy that they picked out for her.

My parents tried doing the same thing to me. The reason why they did it was because they did not want me to date outside of my race. They wanted me to get with my abusive ex boyfriend who is the same race as me; they had no idea that I had to get checked out at a hospital when he struck. I was deathly afraid if I told them what my ex did to me, my dad would hunt him down and try to kill him (after all, he has made statements about doing that to any guy who hurts me... and I wasn't going to test it to see if he really meant it or not). Also, the ex is a cheater and I caught him cheating even after my relationship was done with him.


But I made the choice to stand up for myself. I don't let people choose for me. I had to fight this battle for awhile with them because they did not accept me being in an interracial relationship. But if I didn't stand up for myself, I wouldn't be marrying the guy I'm with now. I can proudly say that I made the right decision for myself.


We all have choices. She has the choice to stay in the relationship with you or go to the other guy. Either way, she needs to start acting like an adult about it instead of placing blame on her parents for her actions. That's childish.


About a week ago I finally got to see her and we let our feelings out. Both of us in tears. I love her very much and says she loves me too. But she doesn't want to disappoint her parents. Specially her dad.

She either is making up a lie/excuses or she has no backbone. For real though... why do you want to stay with someone who blames other people for their own personal choices? The fact she can't own up to this decision and blames her parents for it tells you she can't act like an adult.


Honestly, you really don't want to marry a person who can't stand up to their parents; It will cause a LOT of problems in a marriage.


You are better off letting this girl go. How dare she comes to you and says she loves you, but is dating another dude? That is mucho disrespectful!

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