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I feel like I bit off a bit more than I can chew my final semester of college


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I've never taken on more than 4 classes as a full-time student my whole college career with the fact that I was working and I knew my limitations. I planned on taking 3 classes over the summer so I would have 4 left this semester. Unfortunately, one was canceled. Now, I am stuck with 5 classes while working part-time 15-20 hours a week. I literally run from school to work without a chance to even eat a meal and I've just been getting by with pizza and junk/fried food mostly. I rollerblade to get to class since parking at my school is so expensive. My school doesn't even have a break room for students, so it's really hard to eat right. For an example, yesterday, I went to school, left and worked nearly 6 hours. Got home to read and do a quiz and it took me longer than I thought to finish the reading and I got a 70% on the quiz. I really didn't want to do it, but I sucked it up and tried to read, but I was just too tired to concentrate. Also have to read a 200 page book in less than a week's time and read another book and write a paper on it. Just feels like the work is piling on.


I don't regret taking 5 classes, but it is very difficult finishing and I honestly thought about taking 3 classes this semester and just taking the last 2 in the spring so I could possibly gain another internship since it's been a year since I had one. I've had 2 internships so far. With the advice of my mom, I decided not to do that and just to get all my classes over with. As a result, I've skipped 4 days of classes so far just because I am so tired. Advice please!!

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I'd ask Mom for a line of credit to cut your work hours or consider dropping the classes you might fail or might pull down your GPA.


I discussed it with my mom and I think the best thing for me to do is to cut 2 classes and try to find another internship since I feel I need more experience before graduating. I am an English major and I got into marketing, but my school recently added marketing as a major before I turned into a senior, so I think that having a lot of experience will give me that edge that marketing majors already have. That means my graduation would be pushed back until May, but I would rather feel comfortable graduating with more experience and have a wayy better chance at getting a job than getting all these classes done with timid feeling of finding a job upon graduating since my last internship was a year ago.

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It is shocking to discover how many people falter in their last semester. I don't know if it is fear, the content, anticipating and preparing for change, celebrating too soon, something else... but there is something going on that is subconsciously holding us back in out last semester. It happens over and over again.


Just something to think about. You are not alone, and may be exhibiting a pattern that is shared by many of us.

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It is shocking to discover how many people falter in their last semester. I don't know if it is fear, the content, anticipating and preparing for change, celebrating too soon, something else... but there is something going on that is subconsciously holding us back in out last semester. It happens over and over again.


Just something to think about. You are not alone, and may be exhibiting a pattern that is shared by many of us.


Well, I think it's because I packed on too many classes and on top of that I am working. As I said, I never took 5 classes for this very reason... and it's the same reason I never took on a Maymester. Just way too intense for me. Yes I am excited and tense for graduation and reason being is that I am kind of nervous of the job market which is why I wanted another internship before I am done. This is what's going on this week and next week as an example of how much is going on


- Have to read 200 pages of a book by Thursday

-Have to do readings and quizzes today and tomorrow for one of my classes.

-Have to study for 2 tests next week

-Have to read another book and turn in a paper next Friday.

-Poetry assignments


All this on top of work and trying to squeeze the time to do this after work and school which is really exhausting.

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I agree that you should take less classes if that allows you to get better marks and take on the internship, especially since experience seems to be more important than education in the job market these days. Better to get the unpaid/low paid internships done with while still in college.. I say that as someone who didn't, and did some free work after graduating, which was tolerable, but I would have rather been paid!

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I agree that you should take less classes if that allows you to get better marks and take on the internship, especially since experience seems to be more important than education in the job market these days. Better to get the unpaid/low paid internships done with while still in college.. I say that as someone who didn't, and did some free work after graduating, which was tolerable, but I would have rather been paid!

Agreed. I looked at my schedule again and for an example for my senior seminar, we are expected to read a 200+ paged book with a quiz by Thursday and there's another book that's basically 200+ pages as well with a paper next Friday for this other class and I have 3 other classes on top of this while working.. and 2 tests next week. Just seems impossible to do all 5 classes right now. Basically, it's like this the whole semester. Literally sounds like a laundry list of stuff that's never ending.

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I discussed it with my mom and I think the best thing for me to do is to cut 2 classes and try to find another internship since I feel I need more experience before graduating. I am an English major and I got into marketing, but my school recently added marketing as a major before I turned into a senior, so I think that having a lot of experience will give me that edge that marketing majors already have. That means my graduation would be pushed back until May, but I would rather feel comfortable graduating with more experience and have a wayy better chance at getting a job than getting all these classes done with timid feeling of finding a job upon graduating since my last internship was a year ago.


Sounds like a good plan!

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It sucks having to do this since I will only be taking 2 classes next semester, but I feel like I can't fit everything into one semester and work my job.


You wouldn't be walking until May anyway. Better to keep your grades up and work the internship than juggle too many plates and crash them all.


You won't regret this, because you'll look back and appreciate making the most of the opportunity you'll never have again in your adult life to focus on your studies without managing a household and a full time job.


It makes no sense to rush yourself out of this opportunity.


Head high.

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Ooo man i've been there. I just graduated and my last semester I was working 30 hours a week (with an hour commute each way), taking 4 classes, and writing a final thesis all while trying to maintain a relationship. It was miserable, but I survived. I think you're smart in knowing your boundaries and if you definitely cannot maintain your current workload then definitely drop a class or ask to reduce your hours at work...I know I could have done better in my studies if I hadn't taken on so much.


That said, there are also some things you can do to make the most out of your time if you decide to push through. I used to get a lot of reading done on the bus to work or on the bike at the gym to maximize time. It also helps if you get most of your work for the week done over the weekend. As for food, I used to pack my breakfast and lunch the night before to save money and not have to eat the crap from the dining hall. Hope this helps!

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