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Does anyone know the secret to win you ex back?

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Does anyone know the secret to win ur ex back? A lot of people want this but not many get it.


Is this forum even worth writing?


I just wanted to know how i can slowely come back into my exes life without making to much camotion and Further News he has a girlfriend


Lol Well Hit me back or Pm me k?


Thanks bunches

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There is no "secret" to winning them back. And no matter how much you change your behaviour to win them over, they need to want to be reunited with you.


I think the answer is time, and patience and continuing to live your own life. And acceptance that maybe it won't happen and that you will be okay with it if it does not.


How can you come back into your ex's life? Well it depends on how you left it. Was there a bad breakup, a lot of anger, clinginess, fighting, begging? If yes, take some time and slowly extend a gesture of friendship but be careful it is friendship and not trying to get back with them right away as many people see through this and may even be offended. Be prepared they may still need time away from you. If the breakup was not bad, again you need to approach with a neutral, friendly gesture. And most of all, respect for him and his new relationship.

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There is no secret the only way your ex is coming back is if they want to come back. Some people believe that they can influence their ex's decision however it seems that those instances are few and far between. The best thing for you to do is to accept what has happened, learn from it and apply it to your next relationship.

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I think that maybe you can tell your ex your feelings and what you would like to change if you were to get back together with them... however, the ppl that have written already are right - they won't come back unless that's what they actually want. There's no big secret to winning them back, no brainwashing, etc. Probably time and patience are your best bet for getting back in their life... other than that, you can't do much except try your best to accept reality.

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I think that maybe you can tell your ex your feelings and what you would like to change if you were to get back together with them... however, the ppl that have written already are right - they won't come back unless that's what they actually want. There's no big secret to winning them back, no brainwashing, etc. Probably time and patience are your best bet for getting back in their life... other than that, you can't do much except try your best to accept reality.

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I think it really depends on the situation. I had one ex boyfriend of mine try to come back to me, after about 1 and a half months of no contact at all between us. I think mainly cuz we were together for so long (3 years 3 months) and plus I think it shocked him, because I was the one who was always trying to work things out and not wanting to lose the relationship, I think my lack of contact really shocked him and made him realize/have to think about what he lost and all that. Then again, it turned out to be soon enough he didn't really want me back he just really wanted some fun, and had some temporary feeling of missing me because of the shock of it, but it was just that: temporary. So who knows.


I guess it just depends on how you feel. I really, really, really don't recommend tryig to be friends especially if you still have feelings. I could be wrong, maybe you could do it but I know I wasn't capable of doing it. But my more recent ex said he wanted to be friends (he broke up with me because according to him we "weren't meant to be" and he wanted to be friends, or so he said). and I tried doing that for a while but I just couldn't do it- he wasn't acting like a true friend, his actions were hurting me, I was getting sensitive, clingy, and inevitably because I was weak cuz I still had feelings for him, it would come to the "I want you back" kind of talks.. when he started seeing someone new I couldn't even pretend to be casual and be his friend anymore. I guess if you have really thick skin and good acting skills you could go for it and maybe just maybe it would work, but I personally don't recommend that unless you can pull it off, and trust me its hard. Plus it is like prolonged self torture I mean why do that to yourself?


I think really the best way to go is to just stop talking to a person.. if someone is treating you poorly or shutting you out, not responding to you favorably then I feel it is the only thing to do, it shows you have dignity and self respect and won't take anything less. Maybe they'll be a man and realize you're worth more than they've been giving you then, maybe they won't. Either way, it doesn't matter how much you want to be their friend or talk to them if they're not responding positively to you or if their behavior is hurting you, I believe that no contact is the only way to go.

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Dont try winning your ex back. Just see it has what it cant love in you someone else will. If he really and truly loved you he would never have walked away from you in the first place.


Just move on with your life. I know its easier said than done. I also tried everything under the sun to forget about my ex but it just does not go away.


I started getting back my circle of friends and going out more often, meeting new people. Truly I can say its so much easier than it was before. My heart does not feel like its going to explode with pain anymore it get a little better as time passes. Try and be positive and take on new challenges you will occupy your time and your mind will be in another place rather than on your ex. Time is the greatest healer and trust me it does get BETTER.

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no matter what you try to do in life you can not physically or mentally do anything to make someone love you or even want you back. Love is one of the most powerful feelings in the world, and not one single person can tell someone or show someone how to love you or want you back if they do not really love or care for you to begin with. I wish you luck I miss my old bf too, and he and I have not spoken in two months. I honestly will tell you that maybe he wants to spend time with some other girls to see how much he really cares for you or maybe you all were really not meant to be and I promise you it might not be today, tomorrow, or two months from now but there is someone out there for you that you will realize it when the time comes. Learn from relationships not fall from them. Hope this helps a little bit.

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