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Ok, so I got dumped a little over a month ago by my ex. He went to see his ex-girlfriend miles away and lied to me about the whole thing. Well, it seemed like we were getting back together and then he told me she was coming to visit so I backed off and went back to the NC.


Anyways, he called me when he was on his way back from the airport after dropping her off and he told me that I don't have to worry anymore, that she's gone. He also went on to say that they're in love and that he will be moving up there in March. (This is also exactly what he said when he first got back from seeing her before.) Anyways, I talked to him later that same day and I told him that I couldn't talk to him anymore and that he said that he doesn't wanna give me up either, but he can't talk to me either because it wouldn't be fair to her.


So, here's my problem. He stopped into work tonight. Granted, I just work at a local store, but it was still out of his way. He paid for what he wanted and I told him Thank you. He was like you're not gonna talk to me? I was like I'm just respecting your wishes, plus I have nothing to say. So he said that if that's how I wanna be, then ok. He left just shaking his head and got back into his truck.


Why did he come down in the first place? Did he want to see how I was taking it? Did he try to come and talk to me since I won't answer his calls? I'm dying to know, but there's no way that I'm gonna call him.


I think I'm finally getting over the whole breakup thing and moving on. It's only been a month, but I feel soo much better about everything that's happened and I just want to move on. I mean yeah, a small part of me wishes he would come back, but he's gonna have to get on his hands and knees and beg and bring me expensive gifts or something.


I was just looking for your opinions. You guys really got me through this terrible breakup and got my head back on straight so that's why I came back to you guys. Thanks in advance.

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Hi... sorry about your situation. I´m curious though... how long were you guys together? Did the two of you have a bonafide relationship or hadn´t decided to be exclusive yet?


I´m asking this because I´m thinking of getting involved with a guy who isn´t over his ex either, and almost travelled miles to see her as well. We´re in separate cities now, but if I decide to get involved with him, as much as I want to respect him, I could not put up with visits from exes like that.

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He wants his cake & eat it too.


He walked to his truck shaking his head..... does he remember what he told you about being in love with his ex and moving there to be with her?


If he can't understand why you're hurt and don't want to talk to him, he's a fool.


You are definitely better off to be rid of this guy and move in with your life.


Good luck, and keep up the NC, looks like you're well on your way.

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Yeah, I think he's a little goofy. He's just not even the same person that I used to date. He's changed so much for her. He quit smoking and drinking, gave up most of his friends. It's like he's on a downward spiral all for this girl. She must really be something special.


I personally think he's trying to live in the past when life was easy and what nots, but that's just my opinion. I wasn't around when they were together so I really don't know. I always thought that he was a dreamer and now I really think he's in one big dream. Oh well, best of luck to him.

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Yeah, I know he will come back. I talked to his sister's boyfriend tonight and he said he would bet his last $50 that he will come begging back for me. He also said that I'm way too good of a person to put up with all of his crap so that made me feel better. I know I am a much stronger person now because of all this.

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Sorry to be so blunt but your ex sounds like an insensitive jerk. What did he expect coming to your work like that? He clearly came solely to see you and he somehow expected that you would be happy to see him after hearing that he loves his ex and is moving in with her? That's just crazy. He said you're "way too good of a person to put up with all of his crap" and he was right. You deserve way better.

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he called me when he was on his way back from the airport after dropping her off and he told me that I don't have to worry anymore, that she's gone. He also went on to say that they're in love and that he will be moving up there in March.


this makes very little sense to me.


i can somewhat relate to what he is feeling as i have been there. i was with a girl for 4 years, she left me then i fell in love with a new girl. it was hard for me to completely let go of the 4 yr relationship. after some time, i realized i really loved the newer girl and thats who i wanted...but things got to messed up in the end and im not with either.


he probably loves you..he just needs to see it/find it for himself. you not being there as a guaranteed thing may help.

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