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should i ask her out

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there is this girl i like from my school and we really didn't talk until we went to this performing arts conventions. At this conventions we talked quite a bit, and during the main stage shows we sat togeather and watched the plays. we joke around now all the time before and after school and the couple classes we have togeather and during pep band and the basketball games. recently we have been talking online a lot more, the past couple days we have been talking for two hours online. we can joke around and have a good time. i want to ask her out on a date but i don't want to possibly ruin our friendship does anyone have any suggetions



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Ok man heres how id roll it.


Do whatever feels natural to you? Me, im really bad about formally asking women out on dates. If you guys hang out and shes feeling you then the magic happens. If i were in your position id ask her to hang out at some event youd both go to. Hey, maybe that is asking her out on an official date, but im usually casual about it. Im all about not making the girl feel anything but her natural emotions. No pressure or anything like that.


She spent 2 hours talking to you. Thats a huge investment of time. Shes in to you at least to some degree. But be cool with it man. You got it all under control.

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2 hours is a long time bro.


I'd do this. Asume she's into ya, and do what ever feels right from there to you. other then telling you that she's into ya, it's just to easy, and too wrong for anyone to tell YOU exactly how to play the cards. Everyone has there own style and speeds, ect.


Good luck, and keep your stick on the ice

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