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attracted to other races?


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I am a white Canadian guy of British background. I am only attracted to woman like me , white and of British amd northern european background. I live in a very ethnically diverse city where there are many different types of girls , but I just dont feel anything when i look at girls of other races. I seem to be the only person I know who feels this way.


Do other people feel the same ? Are you attraced to people of different races?

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I am really not. That's not to say that if I had met someone who was simply fab that I would say no way automatically, I'm just physically attracted to what I'm physically attracted to. There must be chemistry in a relationship.

I have dated some men people would say resembled William Shatner or Jack Black, and their awesome personalities are what made them attractive.

If someone was just the bees knees I would give them a chance regardless of what they looked like. Like I said, personality makes it all.

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WASP means "white anglo-saxon protestant".....it refers to cacasion men who have traditional values in general, regardless of whether they are religious........


anyway for me its the opposite. I prefer non-white girls. I am not racist against my own race (LOL...i am caucasion)....i guess i just like to seek novelty and things that are different. Different cultures interest me, I suppose.

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This is one of those things thats a personal issue because many poeple can bring up the idea of racism when you introduce the idea of liking a person based on their color as you indicated (with the WASP comment). I have always agreed with the statement that you date the person not the race. However some people do prefer to only date within their race and in some cases there are even more stringent standards as far as race is concerned. Now for whatever reason if you have to like certain physical characteristics that are more common with certain races rather than others, its still shallow but doesnt come off racist because you arent necessarily limiting yourself to just one race because you are open to any race who has those physical characteristics. This is a complex question and i would be surprised if there arent more comments bringing in the idea of racism.

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I'd classify something as racist if you had a PROBLEM with the other racists.


However, preferring one race more than all others isn't racism in my mind, it's biologically part of you


Think about it...if your favorite food is pizza, does that mean you have a problem with ALL OTHER TYPES OF FOOD? no, it just means you have a preference. you can't help that, and there's nothing wrong with it.


It's not different than liking a blonde, a brunette, thin ppl, muscular ppl, tall ppl, short ppl...everyone has different preferences. If you happen to not be as attracted to a chinese person as a white, then so be it.

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I don't think that you are racist for liking only while gals...but I'm curious to know if you have many friends who are non-white?


The reason I ask is because I'm wondering if perhaps you are not exposed to other races on a daily basis. For example, if you have a group of close friends who are all "white" then I assume that this is where you get your ideas, attraction and culture from. Whereas, if you have many friends who are of a different culture (non-white) then you would tend to be more open to being attracted to a non-white girl.


Am I close?

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Race is irrelevant. You do date the person, not the race. Everyone's sense of attraction is different. Everone has there own preferences. As long as you are not putting them down because of there race or how they look, you are not being racist. But try to get to know the person first. You never know, you could end up liking the person first and then becoming physically attracted to her even if she is from another race or culture.

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Am I being racist because I am physically attracted to only white girls? I am talking about physicall attraction to women you dont know personally know.

No, I do not think so. People have types, that doesn't make people racist. Some like chocolate ice cream, others like vanilla swirl, who cares what your preference is, as long as you don't wear a pointy hood at a cross-burning rally, you're a-ok.


As for me, I am the opposite. I am attracted to those outside my race initially, but I have had crushes on those within my race because I found them irresistible on the inside. So yeah, the attraction is there and they get a "head start", but how I feel around them is what matters to me. To be honest, it is a big reason why I don't approach women I like, because I'm afraid they wouldn't be attracted to me because of my race... then again, I don't look like my race at all. Oh well.


As far back as two years ago, I never told any of my friends (who are of all races) whay my preferences in women was because of fear of them calling me a "sell out" or whatever. But now people know and they don't care, and I feel relieved, like I let out a huge fart or something.

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I've used to say I was only attracted to black girls (I'm black), then I found myself being really attracted to white girls. At this point, I think I'm open to either either race. I felt sort of guilty for leaning towards one race or the other for some reason. I think gorgeous girls come in a variety of colours. What's more important is whether or not you're attracted to the person. Preferences are good to have, but sometimes so limiting.

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Ya for me its not so much race that attracts me....i like non white girls (in general) because they are unique and their culture and values are more interesting.......if I found a white girll like that, I would surely date her (if we were right for each other)....I just like novelty.....thats why i like girls of a different race than my own.

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I'm a very white male and race isn't much of an issue. I find certain women of all ethnic backgrounds attractive. Living in New Orleans like I do, anything less would be a bit rather confining since whites seem to be a minority. My first girlfriend was biracial (black/white). She was very nice, unfortunately she is a jehova's witness which screwed things up to no end and eventually resulted in the termination of our relationship. My new and current girlfriend is white like me.

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I believe that ultimately people decide to date the Person behind the race and I'm very glad for that. However, our preferendes can be shaped and influencd by the culture around us and what we see in the media as well as in our immediate living environments.


What irks me out is when somone sets off to only seek out dating partners of a certain race. I've heard things said like "Oh I'm all about Asian girls now" or "I'm only care to date Indian girls". I honestly believe that goes beyond preferences and makes people look like superficial twits. There is this thin gray line that needs to be straddled.


I am Chinese and I live in a very multicultural city... but I used to be really bothered by white guys dating asian girls. That trend is actually quite prevalent where I live. Even after learning about the myriad social, economic and psychological factors that come into play with interracial dating, I still couldn't help to be bugged by it. Was there some jealously involved? Yes. More than a little irrationality involved? Oh definitely.


Well after a while any novelty will wear off and it becomes just another regular feature of the landscape. And when you find yourself in the interracial dating game yourself, you begin to question your old biases. I'm currently dating a caucasian girl now and if someone accused me of dating based on face or having a "white girl fetish", he would get a swift punch in the head and be told to go to hell.


I mean, part of me IS a little proud of providing a flipside to the "white guy/asian girl" phenomenon. And with the way asian males are systematically castrated and/or ignored in the western mainstream media... oh I'd be lying if I said I don't ever get a slight lift whenever I'm walking down the street with a pretty white girl around my arms. I like being a living rebuke to bad stereotypes and I'm so glad that I'm not the only one doing it.


In the end, who you date is very much a personal decision and is by and large no one else's tootin' business. But let's never underestimate the influence our environment, the MEDIA, popular culture, laws, etc. etc. has on our attittudes, tolerances and perceptions on ANYTHING.

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There is a double standard: Many people appreciate white guys dating asian girls, but some people look down upon asian guys dating white girls. Why does this double standard exist?


If by "many people" you mean from the standpoint of white, western culture, which is largely determined by white men, then the answer should be pretty clear.


I've read theories/arguments about how asian girls, on a subconscious level, are increasingly dating caucasian men because in a sense they are "dating up". White women who date asian men, on the other hand, could be seen as "dating down"... effectively lowering their overall position on the status ladder. Asian men, being minorities (historically speaking..where I live we are certainly becoming the majority) are viewed as reaching above their "station" & perhaps competing with the white male status quo.


Sound crazy? Maybe a little. I certainly don't want to hijack the thread & stir up controversy, but I do feel the thigns i mentioned above do play a PART in the overall interracial dating picture. Just something to think about, i guess.

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Your ladder theory is really interesting. IT could be true. But its important to remember that many Asian males do very very well in school and have high incomes, so for a white girl to marry them would be a step up. LIke, when I was in high school, some Asian guys i knew were taking 6 or 7 government exams (here you only have to take 4 to get into university)...LOL....Asian men tend to work very very hard....i don't know..its any interesting theory though.

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It's been said that on a subconscious level, people tend to look for people who have similar attributes to their parent. (Ie: men look for women that remind them of their mothers/sisters, women look for men that remind them of their fathers/brothers) It might sound gross when you think about it, but I see the logic behind it. Women and men look for things that are familiar to them.


I started to notice this in myself at the age of 13. Although my parents are both white, my father and brothers look hispanic. Dark skin, hair, etc. My father is also a jack-of all trades, likes fixing things, can build anything, works on cars, etc. I have always been, and still am attracted to latin men. Their families are also similar to mine (big, everyone in each others business, lol). Looks and personality wise, I could say that they are similar to my father.


Not saying I would completely rule out men of other nationalities and races, but for inital attraction, they're almost always latin.


That's just my 2 cents.

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I don't think that is racist at all. As a few people have mentioned, having a preference is really in no way akin to being racist. Also, people have a natural, biological predisposition to find a partner within their own race. This is not to say that it always happens like that or that there aren't people who have preferences for races other than their own, but for the most part it is genetic to be attracted most to your own race. We are also most attracted to people who share our same level of intelligence are within the same height range, it's called positive-assortative mating - we are attracted to those who share our own characteristics.


Personally I have dated guys of several different races, but they have all had black hair. I don't know why, I'm just not attracted to blond guys. But that doesnt mean I dont have blond guy friends and it certainly doesnt make me "haircolorist". If I were you I wouldn't worry at all.

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well I don't care if it's shallow or anything but I'm indeed only "into Indian girls" but am caucasian myself.

I just think Indian girls make better spouses and are generally very beautiful also.It's not that I'm looking for a submissive slave either as I tend to prefer those Indian girls who are not only pretty but also intelligent and educated.I just think that even a girl with a career here (I live in India now) will still be a good housewife (and proud to be one) also whereas white women only want to prove that girl power thing.It's also my thinking that interracial relationships yield better children and that is a genetic fact.

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