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the bipolar boyfriend (PLEASE HELP IM REALLY TORN)


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please, i'm begging anyone to just help me relieve my feelings here. this has been locked up for almost a year. my boyfriend and i had an immature quarrel this morning, i call it immature because he keeps on auto-rejecting my call, he says that i kept on calling his phone and it's disturbing for him.. i was like what the hell? I didn't even call him for days now.


it all started when I got a good morning text from him. "Ohayo." he says, we're japanese culture freaks so we use that all the time. I replied a good morning with a smiley back and he replied "Okay." I was really weirded out because why the fudge would he reply vague things like that. I reckoned that he has a problem because he seems spaced out. I said "Any problems? I could help." he says none but I could tell that he has (I mean this scenario has been circling for a year now) . I tried to call but he auto-rejected it, I told him that and the reply I got was he said that it was disturbing that i kept on calling and texting him and it's not helping. (AHA. SO THERE REALLY HAS A PROBLEM).


the thing is, since a lot of situations like this is happening to us for a year now, I get always hurt and I don't think that he knows the importance of my feelings, he kept doing it because he knows that it's okay, I'll just come back to him and like that. I feel so abused and unfair. I'm his first relationship by the way, I'm taking it into a consideration but the act that we are both 21 years old, is that an excuse to be an immature? All these times, I kept doing the role of a guy in a relationship. I coo him, I please him and whatever, he's such a b**** honestly speaking.


But I love him, he's the first one to accept me, to hold my hand and to kiss me. I;m not very beautiful and yet he accepted me. I want to help him but he's so distant to me right now and I cannot comprehend his mind. Just yesterday, he kept telling me that he loves me and such, why like this right now?


I'm sorry if it's kinda jumbled, you can ask me what part you didn't understand and I would elaborate it for you.

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Is your boyfriend medicated and in therapy? Mental illness is not an excuse to treat other people poorly. You cannot help him if he is not willing to help himself. I suggest you take care of yourself and work on your self-esteem and confidence. The fact that you are not a stunning beauty doesn' t mean that you need to settle for a life of misery. If you want to help him, tell him that he needs to start dealing with his issues and you can support him but you are not going to be the victim of HIS issues.

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My dear....your man should treat you like his queen. Like the most important person in his life. He must make you feel special and loved

If he's not doing that then you are wasting your time. You deserve the best and stop saying you are not beautiful. God made you beautiful. Trent Shelton, a motivational speaker, said this "you are perfect for the heart who is meant to love you ". Do not settle for less than what you deserve. Smile. The right guy is out there. Don't settle for mediocre cause you deserve the best!

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