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I dont know what to do!!!!!! HELP!!!

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I was rejected by this girl and things went sour between me and her. However I helped her whenever she needed any help from me. But soon after we had an argument of not contacting eachother anymore!


However, recently we started conacting eachother again. But now I am beginning to feel very confused. Should I still go after her or should I not bother with her anymore? I do not know what to do?? Is she contacting me again cos I still stand a chance with her or what??


Need some suggestions??

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if you were rejected then that probably means she only sees you in the friend way which is very good because friends are ALWAYS going to be there. but having your friendship go sour might mean that you asking her out came out of the blue and she was feeling uncomfortable. going out or asking someone to go out should never ruin a friendship. i suggest you continue to become friends with her and never let the friendship go, you never know maybe not now but maybe soon she can find out you are a great person and a charming individual and see you way more than just a friend. but you HAVE to respect the fact that she wants to be friends dont go off and be all mad about it. im sure she didnt mean to hurt your feelings. because everyone knows rejection hurts. so just continue to be friends and never let that friendship die.



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If she said no to you before then she does not have feelings for you as anything more than a friend. She is keeping in contact with you because you keep doing things for her...why wouldn't she? Honestly I'd look after yourself here and put this girl on the backburner.

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In my view, you need to move on from this girl and start looking elsewhere. In my best guess she's probably contacting because she misses you, which she really does, but she misses you as a friend and for the things you did for her. You don't have to completely cut her off, but start looking out for yourself here.


If she wants you she'll find a way to let you know...in the meantime start looking elsewhere...that's what i mean by backburner.

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you're not stupid... love is confusing. Well, if you want to be casual about it, you could just say to her one day, "Did you ever have second thoughts about our breakup?" And just leave it at that and see what she says. That way, you're not really putting yourself out on the line.

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