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GUYS... pretty girls but little confidence?

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I don't think I'd care at all... Although, I completely agree with the above poster... I've never seen a girl who is cute and sexy but has low self-esteem.... shy, yes, but that's different, because she could be shy because of another reason, not because she thinks of herself less than she really is.

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I don't think I'd care at all... Although, I completely agree with the above poster... I've never seen a girl who is cute and sexy but has low self-esteem.... shy, yes, but that's different, because she could be shy because of another reason, not because she thinks of herself less than she really is.


i agree. although i wouldnt be so attracted to a girl who was extremely depressed or something.

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My gf is like this, it drives me crazy, I get mad at her when she does it. She is so beautiful, smart and funny, and she always puts herself down. We'll be talking and she'll say something about her being ugly, or a picture being ugly because she is in it, and i get real mad, and start telling her not to talk liek that becuase it drives me crazy because its not true, she only does it when we talk on msn messenger, so when I tell her its not true, I cant express how much I mean it, IM just waiting for her to say it to me when we are together. SO.. if you dont have high self esteem, then get some lol.

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By not much self-esteem what are we talking about? There are varying levels. I'd probably be one to be more interested. I don't like seing anyone feel bad about themselves, so at the very least I would want to try to help her. I would want to help her see that she is special and attractive. It wouldn't be like I was making her a charity case, it would be a friend trying to help out a friend. And often the most attractive girls are the ones who don't know how attractive they are. They have an innocence and sincerity to them that is rare and special.

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I'm curious about what guys think of the girls who are pretty, sexy, or cute ... but who don't have much of a self esteem. Is it a turn off? Do you see it as not wanting to be with them because it might drag you down? Or would you want to take her out and make her feel more special?


It depends on the woman. If someone's interesting, I'd ask her out.


When I was at uni I fell for a woman who was beautiful but didn't have much self-esteem and was always going for totally the wrong guys, but she was an amazing person. Surprisingly, there are an awful lot of women out there like her.

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Wouldn't it depend on whether or not she was just overly-modest, or whether she was actually suffering from depression? Putting yourself down is usually a pretty good indication of low self-esteem, but it also means that you have a girl who is trying to say, "look, I know who I am so don't say bad things behind my back - I'll say it for you".


Low self-esteem can cause a lot of problems in relationships, but only if it's really bad. I think everyone has their own insecurities, so it's unrealistic to expect to be with someone who is 100% satisfied with their appearance. Most women aren't so good luck!

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