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Absolutely. going through a rough relationship and/or breakup with someone else always makes you more hesitant in future relationships.

After all, the mind is always trying to make patterns of things. Eventually the brain thinks dating=pain, not joe, jon, george & frank=painn (which it should).


Remember that every person and relationship is different. The only thing you should be weary of is if you find yourself in relationships that are always the same with different people. for ex: you always date people who are unavailable. Don't fear dating, just be careful of who you date.


"don't choose a date you wouldn't consider a mate"

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OK, she didn't exactly tell me but i've heard before that she was with someone her freshman/sophomore of high school. now she's a sophomore in college so whatever happened it's been a few years. maybe it carries on longer than others.


any how that she's been going thru stressful times with college and everything,I still couldn't keep it in with my feelings,so I decided to express them while she was away on AIM. just to get it out but not put her on the spot. I said things like I miss her and wish I could see her pretty face again. I know college and starting a career is more important right now. I'd wait however long it takes. all I care about right now for her to be happy. well a day or 2 later I got on and few minutes later she turned her away message on saying "

Count my blessings

I should count my blessings

Let me see where should I start

One, you're really handsome

Two, you're really handsome

Three, I never get that far


Yeah you're right I don't deserve you

Yeah there's no pleasing me, yeah sure

You could have anyone you want

You're too good to be real

You're every woman's dream

Lucky me....... "


she only had that for a minute or so because when I checked it again she had something else down. I just wonder if that no pleasing me and not deserve could have anything to do from past experience. maybe i'm way off here I dunno haha

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