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Lately with these new pills for my bi-polar disorder i have feeling pretty good and happy.I'm finally getting a lil more serious on the subject of girls and i already got my ideas down for when i go back to school.I feel like i can actually make some progress with girls now maybe since ive gotten a lil bit more used to communicating with girls.Well this one girl ive always liked at high school that rides my bus.I'm Thinking im gonna try and talk with her.But that is like 1 month before i can try that so from now till then im gonna try and get better and better at talking with girls.There is this one waitress that always flirts with me for fun cause she thinks its funny since im easy to pick on so that can help me out until then.So i got my plan set down and i hope i can get it working and hopefully i can get to know that girl.And one question to end it all off.Whats a good way to start a conversation with a girl on a bus any ideas?Is it bad to maybe pick up something from ease dropping sort of and talking about that or what?

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Depends on the topic- if its something personal (like shes talking about family, friends etc.) obviously this is out of bounds.


But if she happens to be talking about something that you have an interest in (say one of your favourite bands/movies/books) or something you have in common with her then its not a bad way to get a conversation going. But make sure you can talk about whatever she was talking about- ie: know your stuff.. Just start by saying something like 'hey, you like (that topic) too!, then introduce yourself and ask a follow up question -start the flow of conversation.


Probably the best way to achieve this would be to sit next to her if that was at all possible, or even find out where she waits for the bus to get on and go wait at the stop with her (if possible).. all that time waiting around and alot less people would make a conversation easier. Good luck.

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