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25 year old female. lost and confused!

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me and my ex broke up recently. i loved her very much but it wasnt meant to be. i dont want to let my insecurities get the best of me but sometimes i think i wont find another girl. especially because im in the military its alot harder. ive always been attracted to men but cant quite seem to catch feelings for them. ive only had feelings for one guy my whole life and i was with him for about a year and a half. i feel stuck. confused. scared and just not knowing what to do. i wish i had the answers. has anybody else ever been in this type of situation and can relate? please help if so. :sulkiness:

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Im going through a similar situation but me being a guy with a girl.

I know this used a lot and it's annoying but really, time does help. This girl i know is my true love,no BS. I know it's true but she's got 2 kids 1 to the guy shes with at the moment and she's only with him because of the kids but she does love me. The beginning will be the hardest because you're always thinking but it gets easier. Go out with your friends. Do stuff you enjoy and just let the love get easier to handle.

"If love be rough with you, be rough with love, love when it s you and you beat love down."

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You're asking if anyone has ever gone through a break up? The answer is yes, young, old, gay, straight, people of all shapes and sizes, long term/short term relationships have all experienced break ups. It may seem like the end of the world but it really isn't, you will find happiness again either single or coupled. Your happiness shouldn't have to depend on whether or not you are with someone.

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i just wish i could fast forward! but the more time passes..they faster it goes by it seems like. but yes, the beginning has been the hardest for me. hard to just stop thinking about her. i hate when all the images pop up in my head but i think and hope as time passes, those images just wont hurt me anymore or make me miss it.

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thank you, i appreciate your support. i guess its just me growing and figuring out what i want or what i think i want. or maybe i just dont know yet and thats why the relationship didnt work. but i agree, my happiness shouldnt have to be because of someone else.

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  • 1 month later...

Other than losing a someone to death, losing someone from a break up is one of the hardest things. Your body goes through this grieving period, and though you probably have heard this a million times, time heals ALL wounds. It's slowly and really annoying, but it does. I can promise you that. Your self esteem is all f*cked up because you were left. But I promise you'll find someone who will treat you better and make you happy.


I completely understand about the images of your ex popping in your head. My ex's face is all I see before I go to sleep at night. I miss her like crazy and still need to crush the hope that'll she'll come back again like she did last time. I need to learn to be healthy and happy without her.

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