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Problem is that I'm obbessed

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Please excuse me, I'm sorry!


I roughly wanted to know how to get over the "obbession" with him, but still like him, just not be "obbessed" with him. But it doesn't matter now.


I'm over him.


Yes, I am. I don't care for him anymore. I learned the truth about several things yesterday. A good person called me and explained some things to me. basically...


-he looked through my wallet

-he lied to me


What an ass! Forget him. This friend called me, and she explained everything to me. How he felt about me, which happens to be that hes nausated(sp) by the sight of me. She told me about the others who knew I was screwing up and they sat back and laughed at me behind my back.


I'm over him. After learning these things, no more. I hate him


I'm not upset, nor am I emotionaly devestaed. Simply angry that he, and the others treated me like this. I'm quite relieved actuly.


...he actuly was very nice. Even when the mear sight of me made him want to vomit. (Not true, my friend said these things, I'm just being dramatic, truly, I just annoy him)

He was very kind. But....looking through my wallet, and lying to me.



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Wow, I just read this whole thread.


I would be lying if I said that at first I wasn't a little creeped out. The whole, "if I lived near him I would be over there and taking a blade of grass" thing kind of did it for me.


First thing I think you need to understand is that obsessions are not healthy. They actually scare people, and are a huge turn-off to someone who may otherwise have been interested. Stalker-like behavior is so very very bad.


Although I think it awful what happened (ie, him going through your wallet, lying, your "friend" telling you that he said you nauseate him) I think it's probably all for the best. I know you say you're fine now, but Im sure you're very hurt.


Best way to get over an obsession? Find out that the person you are putting on a pedestal is really just a normal human being. And a jerk at that! I hope that in future you can find it in yourself to go about your interests in a healthy way.


Good luck!

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I agree with Linzay. I hate what happened, but I think you also need to realize that your idea of getting over the obsession and still being friends is an impossible dream.


Once you start obsessing over someone, there's no turning back. Obsession is a sort of unrequited love; and, once your feelings pass those of friendship, it's nearly impossible to backtrack again. Ending the relationship is the only thing that can get you out of that unhealthy placement. It's not fun or easy, but it's for the best.


Your current situation is actually proof of that. You tried to be his friend but found that you couldn't get over your feelings. You found out the truth about him (thus, *breaking* that friendship) and THAT is how you are overcoming the obsession.


I know you said you weren't upset -- just angry. But, I also know that anger fades and hurt will eventually come into play. Just keep your chin up and keep reminding yourself things worked out for the best.

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Thank you to everyone who helped me I deeply appreciate that.


Honestly I'm not hurt! Not by the ending of the crush anyway. I am upset about what he did to me, but I am in no way upset over "him" exactly, I want nothing to do with him hes like that!


I have learned that obbessions are unhealthy. I'll try not to do that ever again. I've learned my lesson.


He was normal, talented, but very normal. Cute, but very normal. It's not possible to not ever see him again, but if I do, we probably simply won't talk. I don't have a problem with that.


...well, Jason knew I had a picture of him in my wallet. Heres what happened.


At this cast party, I had to go to the bathroom. And when I went, this one girl named Christa said "You know right?" referring to Jason knowing that I liked him. "Of course," he said. "What do you think I am, stupid?"


"Shes got a pictures of you in her wallet" Said another girl named Casey. (Not real names by the way) "Oh really..?" Jason replied. And then he took my wallet and looked through it hoping to find the picture in there. Casey knew I had that picture, and she told him.


This is what my friend told me.


I'll admit, it's pretty normal to want to look inside someone's wallet if you know theres a picture of you in there. Bt still.


I do understand why hes annoyed by me. Simply my obbessive behavior. I can't help but wonder if I hadn't been so obbessed with him, if it would have turned into a friendship-but oh well!

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Maybe another lesson you should learn from this is to not run off and leave your purse / wallet sitting where anyone can go through it...???


Edit: I'm not at all implying what happened was your fault. He shouldn't have gone through it, no matter what. I'm just saying you might ought to be more cautious.

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Hmm...personally I wasn't really freaked out by the obsession thing, because I like to be accepting of all kinds of people. It reminded me, actually, of a really strange movie that I saw a couple of days ago called 'Garden State.' But I have to say, out of all of the independent films I have seen thus far, I have never enjoyed any as much as I did that one. For some reason, it just connected with me, just like Vixil's words.


Now as you probably read, this boy we've come to call Jason has changed, and even though I don't know the whole story, I think that we should be there more for support than advice from here on out.


Unless you want advice Vixil, I'm here for support.

If you've got AIM, my screen name is AJaxStar123 and email is email removed.


Don't hesitate if you just want someone to talk to, the simply feeling of hands on your shoulders and ears resting near your lips gives you relief like you don't even know. Talk, and someone will listen. It will feel good, I promise.

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