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I think we can have more than one soulmate, truthfully...and that soulmates don't always have to be romantic.


To me, soulmates are those people who help us grow and change for the better in some major way in our lives...friends, relatives, lovers, teachers even...it means someone that we connect with on such a deep level that it goes beyond the normal expectations of the relationship you would have with a person in that particular type of situation...make sense?

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i don't believe we'll ever meet our soulmates here on earth. i believe a soulmate is a twin soul, created at the same moment we were in heaven.

while we are living on one side of the earth, they may be on the other side, or maybe they haven't been born yet. i don't think of soulmate as a man and woman either. i think they will be drawn to one another but not necessarily will they meet up.


guess i'm just weird = )

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Definition of a soulmate:


Someone who teaches and helps u to unfold urself, like a lotus of countless petals, instead of growing like a reed. And several years later ends the relationship, divorces you, etc....



I prefer:


Definition of a soulmate:


It is like suddenly realising you are in heaven. When you meet someone they are not your soulmate. A soulmate is someone who you discover in the twilight of your years together. Someone who stayed with you all that time, when you change together, experience life together. That is true love and it has to be nutured with time and requires a lot of patience, understanding and effort, through good and bad times for the eventual reward is heaven on earth. Most people never realise that heaven is something you create inside you and share it with the world - not just somewhere you go when you die.

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It is like suddenly realising you are in heaven. When you meet someone they are not your soulmate. A soulmate is someone who you discover in the twilight of your years together. Someone who stayed with you all that time, when you change together, experience life together. That is true love and it has to be nutured with time and requires a lot of patience, understanding and effort, through good and bad times for the eventual reward is heaven on earth. Most people never realise that heaven is something you create inside you and share it with the world - not just somewhere you go when you die.


Beautifully stated Spartan1. Couldn't agree more.

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Spartan, YES... YES man yes.


as for adding something else, i'd say my soul mate is almost like another me. Different enough that we're not the same, yet similar enough to know how to love, when to hold, when something is up, when you know more about each other than anyone else ever could simply because you're both similar in nature. your family dreams, your personal goals, your likes your dislikes. Everything they love about you and would never exchange for the world, someone who you never have to guess with, someone you can always confide in. Perhaps maybe the one person who would never let you down and the one person who you feel is the only person who you've ever really felt complete with.


Having someone doesn't make someone happy. It's everything that person is and does that creates happiness together. A soulmate shouldn't have to change per se as they should be loved for who they are, not who that person thinks they should be. I for one would feel right to change under certain circumstances, such as how one handles arguments, if one has a drinking problem, etc... but no one should be changed of who they are for someone else's benefit... only for the benefit of both of you.

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Soulmate definition:

Someone who teaches and helps u to unfold urself, like a lotus of countless petals, instead of growing like a reed.


I hope this is a good definition for everybody to comprehend.

Awww, that is so sweet. I have a better description though...


Soulmate: Someone who is there for you, who will love you to no end. Who will be by your side through good times and bad times. Who will love you unconditionally and expect nothing in return. Who will caress your body and soothe your fears. Someone who will gently touch your soul and have your heart beating in their hands. Someone who will see that fu**ing gorgeous hunk walk buy and forget that you exist as she takes your heart and squeezes it into a plasmic ooze of unfathomable pain and irreversable destruction, ripping it out and slam dunking it's hapless remains onto the hard concrete floor as she runs to her new lover, making out with the gorgeous hunk in front of your face as you pray for Lucifer to end it all(!), yet you cannot die because you are stuck in an endless loop watching your soulmate with someone who they think is better looking than you, makes more money than you, and has a bigger penis than you!!

Soulmate definition: Someone who teaches and helps u to unfold urself, like a lotus of countless petals, instead of growing like a reed.
Someone who teaches and helps us to unfold ourselves, exposing our feelings and emotions as locusts swarm into us like countless rose petals covered in spikes and laced with Hell's Acid, devouring what remains of our miserable existence as she and the gorgeous hunk point and laugh at our painful misery forever and ever and ever AND EVER!!!...


I hope this is a good definition for everybody to comprehend.

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