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Ok, my bf and i have been together for 3 months. about a month before we started going out I asked him what the one thing he wished he had never done was. He said tell his ex gf that he loved her when he really didnt.... so when he told me that he loved me after about 2 months i was shocked, but really happy. I said it back, and at that point i wasnt sure if i really did. But now I know I do. Maybe not the kind of lets get married and have babies love, but teenage love at least.


anyways, that was the only time we have ever said I lvoe you to one another. A couple days ago he was playing with my hands while we were on the couch and he made the i love u sign with my hand, but thats the closest thing to I love you I've gotten from him. I dunno if he was just doing that or if he really meant it...... I consider it a pretty big deal that he said i love you to begin with, and i what i really wanna know is, should i say I love you to him???


I want him to know that i love him, but im scared that he may not say it back, or that he'll just say it to b nice, or maybe even say that he doesnt love me and end the relationship..... so HELP please......... should i say it? should i wait and see if he'll say it? if i should say it how should i go about doing so???

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if you love him say it. dont worry just yet if he will say it back or if he wont mean it. thats a risk you have to take. but dont say it if you dont truly mean it. my bf told me after a month of going out. i was kinda shocked but it felt nice. i did not fell obligated to say it back. when i was ready to say it about three months later, it was amazing. im so glad i didnt say it until i truly meant it and im sure he appreciated that too. if you are shy about telling him why dont you try it when you are most comfortable...in his arms or just say it when you feel it...take the moment...and go with it...

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i agree with amanda, say it only if u mean it. ive made the mistake of telling my ex i loved her, when i didnt feel it...that didnt end up too well. but the point is. if u are sure u feel it. say it. U will know when the moment is right. u can tell him that he doesnt have to tell u he lvoes u if he doesnt. that would help. but tell him if u feel it.

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well i do love him, theres no doubt in my mind. my thing is im not 100% sure he feels the same and i dont wanna feel like a complete and total idiot blonde if i say it and he doesnt say it back. weve almost broken up twice, both times i cried a lot becuase i didnt want to b w/o him. both times we almost broke up was becuase of my mom not wanting us to see each other. its really messing things up.

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