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What does she want?


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Crazy response after I simply asked my ex / self proclaimed best friend of mine to please watch puppy we recently got together for just a few days while I move condos then go away on business for just a few days.

Been together for 2 years and bf with father, but have phases where she just makes no effort to stand by her man n supports nothing business wise I do, but still wants to benefit.

Lately I have been disappointed with her for the disrespect that she showed my mother a few weeks ago and has still yet to try to fix. We have been in process of moving into a new place together and staying for time being in xtra condo of my families. After this she has been stay at dad's condo that's not used while he's oversees. Everything's all over the place, so anxiety ridden.

Issue: Lately I get hot n cold texts. Basically miss you, love you. How's

My hair look which I have trouble responding to until we clear up bigger issues.

Yesterday I asked if would watch puppy I bought for her (no issue having pet there). N have obviously got stuck with lions share of taking care of. She said yes n would pick up in few hrs. Then texts sayng sorry can't help, out of town. crazy! Where out of the state, ok but . Next, Actually only few hrs away n will be there soon. On way! Actually turning around - can't help sorry for short notice.... Crazy!

All this followed by I have other peeps besides you like dr n lawyers asking me out now so blahhh blahhh blahh

Followed by I love you n GN texts

Followed by pics of her

Followed by her trying to talk dirty

(Of course I did not respond)

Followed by pics of some low life dude who stole money from her n she lies about saying she has cheated on me with!! The. Texts me well maybe he'll think I'm beautiful

Crazy! ! So wacky !!! Attention needy!!


All I want is help from my gf / bf. I do everything for her n then more. Never Complain, take all her issues and love her regardless no matter how disrespectful she is at times. I make constant excuses and have had a 2.5 carat diamond in safety deposit waiting since only 3months after we met (for Almost / yrs now). I'm in my mid 30s n just want girl to show some respect to my family and Atleast some responsibility no matter what's going on temporarily and help out with puppy she got for few days.


What can I do seriously except have her committed and at this point possibly myself to?

I want her to be more respectful, appreciative, and responsible?

I do spoil her n if I stop she revolts in order to manipulate:0(

Need Help!

Ideas please

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