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Possible career?


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Hello every one, had a quick question that might seem a little ignorant to ask but please bare with me.


i''ve recently hit a bit of a slump in terms of a career path and not sure where to go from here. So i started thinking about it and came up with a few ideas based on what i'm good at and would see myself enjoy doing. I've always been good at interviews and landing jobs. I know a majority of the tricks when it comes to presentation, body language, what to say and how to answer questions etc. so my question was is there a career out there with an official title in which what my main responsibility would be to help and educate others in how to get better at interviews? Only things that come close would be a recruiter for an agency or HR field, admissions officer and school counselor. When i think about those careers though, helping others for interviews seems more of a sub responsibility.

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Or one of those job coaches that travels around doing workshops as you described at community centers, learning annexes, community colleges, and anywhere else interested in hosting such a thing. These types of experts are also being used with unique populations such as women in abuse shelters, former drug addicts, and ex cons that need to start over and are struggling with job hunting and interviewing.


You could also broaden this skill set to include teaching public speaking skills in general to give yourself an additional option just in case.

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