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hmm help with my bf problem

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today when my boyfriend was over I got a feeling to go threw his cell phone...well i didnt like what I found it was tex msg from sum girl saying she loves him he texed her back and said I love you too....well i freaked and asked him about it... he said she is just the a friend...well I dont no what to do....do u think he is cheating...

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After only a month it is possible that he is still seeing other girls at the same time. This is called "casual dating". Lots of people do this, and it can be a great way to learn what you like in a romantic partner. Usually the L-word does not come into play in these cases (unless someone is being played), but you guys are young and have a lot to learn about what love is.


You should have a talk with him about your relationship. It sounds like you want him all to yourself (an "exclusive" relationship), which is great! If he is not prepared to give you this, if he wants to keep seeing other people, then you need to decide if this is OK with you. If not, you should move on. You can't change him.


If he continues to lie about this other girl then I would dump him.


Oh, and don't go through someone else's personal stuff (cell phones, e-mail, voicemail, etc.).

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I don't know what he is up to...BUT....


I know that I say "I Love You" to some of my guy friends (and girl friends for that matter)...and would do so even if I were dating someone. It doesn't mean I "crush" on those friends. It's just that I'm saying I care about them.


Don't make any assumptions based on the stuff on his cell phone...you really should not have gone through his personal things. I would never cheat on a boyfriend of mine, but if he went through my personal stuff he might find something that would make him think that. But rather than try and convince him he had misunderstood...I'd be more upset that he went through my personal stuff behind my back.


This will only cause more problems and create confusion.


Anyway, I hope things work out...


Happy Christmas.

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