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not so lovely


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I've been with my bf for only 5months. Im pretty sure I love him, I never felt like this with anyone and it scares me a little. xD However, I am not sure if I should say it yet. I want him to say it first. Well, thats if he does have the same feelings for me. I can't tell though! He's a hard guy to read lol. He's always been very sweet to me. Cares about me as person, wants to know my interests, my thoughts, my opinions etc. He notices those little things about me. When I'm with him it feels like love. But not sure if he thinks the same way. I don't want to ruin anything by going to fast or scare him away. So how can I tell if he loves me? Through his actions, words? Thank u so much for ur opinion!

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If you're scared, then simply just don't say it yet. Show it through your actions and he will know. Men show their love more through actions then words. If he says sweet things, helps you with things, spends time with you, stays in contact and takes initiative to see you, then he's definitely on his way to feeling the same way you do. However, no one can tell you if he loves you or not except for him.


Give it some time, let him say it if you're nervous about scaring him away. However, after 6 months, I think you're in a safe place to say it. But if you want to err on a side of caution, just wait for him to say it first! If it happens to slip out, then so be it! Enjoy the love

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Is this your first 'real' relationship, more to the point have you said I love you before?


Loving someone and not saying it is fine as long as you feel secure in your new relationship. You wanting him to say it first is also fine, you may just have to patient, as it is just a want for a romantic notion, which is nice.


Big problem most young, new people experience in the beginning of a relationship is who should say it first, will it freak the other person out? you can somewhat put too much emphasis on the words or more to the point the timing. People argue over this and it is sad. As your old gran or mom might say, you will know when you know..... You just do, trust us old girls. Enjoy the beautiful feeling and wait to say I love you but understand the only reason you are waiting is because you have a want for him to say it first.


Hope this helps.

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