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I need help please

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I have a good friend from Alabama (I live in Ohio). We met about 1.5 years ago, at an international competition. We had fun and hung out for about 4 days or so. And then last summer, she found me again at the next annual competition and we hung out and she gave me her phone number and screename and vice versa. Since then we've talked some. We seemed to have a connection when we hung out. In fact, I told her that I had a bit of a crush on her ( I purposely avoided saying I liked her, because I'm not sure about that, but I'll get to that later). And she said she felt the same way. And she keeps saying she can't wait until we see each other again. Then we were talking about colleges and she said she wanted to go somewhere and I have been thinking about going there too (she's a sophomore and I'm a junior). Then she said "we can go there together!" So basically, is this real? Like is it even worth the effort on my part? Is there a chance we really have something? I'm afraid it might just be the fact that we live in such different areas that we get along so well. It's the whole opposites attract thing. We are completely different. When/if I see her in a few months, should I make a move on her? Would that just be setting it up for a disaster? (even though I'm pretty sure she wants me to). It just doesn't feel like I like her. If I was in person with her, I think I would be able to. But then again, I feel like I am fooling myself? If I have a girlfriend before I go, should I break up with her so I can take my rare shot at my friend??? please help, I'm so confused....

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If I have a girlfriend before I go, should I break up with her so I can take my rare shot at my friend


that part is easy...flat out no.


What you have is a crush, when you only see someone a few days out of a year, of course it is exciting & fun but take it for what it is...two friends who share a mutual interest and see each other once a year & talk every once in a while in between. You really dont know her...and she doesn't know you...and living so far away from each other there isn't much of a chance of anything actually serious.


and even with college...that is several years away, it's fun to talk about future things but this person isn't who you should base where you go to school at.


kep it as friends for now...if you happen to end up at the same college...then you can look into if she is more than a friend...but there is a whole lot of life for you to live between then and now.

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No prob dude. I am actually going through kind of the same thing so lemme see if I can help you out some...


If she does give hints as to if she likes you it's probably true. The thing yall need to do, before arranging to go to the same college, is that you get to know each other a little better. Like you mentioned, you could hang out at college and things not turn out as good as thought. If the college yall both want to go to meets the needs you need to be successful in the future, then look into it, whether being around her interfers with her or not.


In conclusion, you and her are still in High School years. Make the most of it, I'm a Senior and it went by too fast. Use the remaing years to keep up your studies in school. Also you have more than enough time of talking (whether on phone or internet) to get to know each other. If after a few years of talking and yall still get alone, then shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. Good luck to the both of you.



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