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hi theres a school sixth form party tomoz, i was just wonderin what i can do to stop myself from being ill with the alcohol. last time i got drunk was about 2 weeks ago but the thing is i hadnt had tht much, but i was sick, im not sure why. it may have been coz i was drinking sherry. i always seem to be ill on wine, peach bicardi breezers, and sherry. i sometimes drink vodka and havent yet been ill from it, is it best to stick to vodka as it isnt sickly? what do u guys recommend, i like getting drunk, but not being physically sick. so 1)how can i not be ill 2) whats best to drink to get drunk but not ill (when i say drunk i mean so i have confidence) and 3) how do i know when enough is enough.

thanx spaggle

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some people ARE allergic to alcohol - you could be one of them.


the fact you say you need to drink to feel confident concerns me a bit...but I'll leave that alone.


practical advice when it comes to your question.


eat first

do not mix alcohol...stick with one type all evening

pace yourself

if you are drinking more than one drink in an hour...you are drinking too much

at least an hour, if not more, before you are planning to leave...switch to soda - sober yourself up before you go to bed...it's the responsible thing to do.

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im not allergic to alcohol unless its only just started lol, ive been drinking for a long time. it may be coz ive lost weight over the last year. but ive only been ill on alcohol 4 times out of...well lots, but im just extremely worried about being sick..its prob a nerve thing tht im gonna imbarras myself by bein ill everywhere.

last time i asked my mates to make sure i didnt drink to much they stole my money and bought shots for me! lol, they didnt do it to be mean as they were gone themselves! i wasnt ill tht time tho.. hmm its mayb just a nervous thing

but whats best to drink? vodka? as ive never been ill on it...maybe my stomach reacts badly to sweet alcohol? hmm

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a bad reaction to alcohol can happen at any time in your life...if you have been drinking for a while your liver could be damaged and getting ill is a sign of that.


there is no alcohol "better" for you than others...if sweeter drinks make you nauseated then by all means stay away from them, just like some people have reactions to the sulphates in red wine and get bad headaches...but no matter what you drink...you need to keep the amount to a minumum.

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omg i so need to get this trick out to everyone!!!


ok, before u go to the party drink 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil (or just any kind of oil but olive oil tastes better) on empty stomach. it serves as a a lining which blocks some alcohol from going into your blood. so yea. do that!! it totally works!! so when other ppl r passed out drunk you'll still be fine.

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ok, before u go to the party drink 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil (or just any kind of oil but olive oil tastes better) on empty stomach. it serves as a a lining which blocks some alcohol from going into your blood. so yea. do that!! it totally works!! so when other ppl r passed out drunk you'll still be fine.


this, is not true. Olive oil, or any type of oil does NOT block the absorbtion of alcohol into your system, what it actually does, is reduce the irritation and acids that alcohol creates in your stomach...decreasing the chance of nausea but that's it & it is only a temporary help.


Anything you put into your system breaks down & passes through...oil isn't going to "coat" your entired digestive system all night.

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Ok, I asked someone who has done his share of getting drunk and he told me that getting ill comes with the drinking, especially if you plan to get drunk. There's a difference between having a drink to be sociable and getting drunk, which it sounds like your planning on doing. The real question should be why do you need to get drunk to have confidence? There are better ways of gaining confidence in yourself and better ways of having fun. If you need to be drunk to be comfortable around these people, are they really the people you want to be around. Is the harm your doing to your body worth it.?

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ticklebug: In mediterranean countries, it is common practice to ingest a tablespoon of olive oil before heavy drinking. This prevents some of the alcohol from being aborbed by the stomach and passed on to the small intestines. In addition to that, one must obey the remaining golden rules:

- Do not rush your drink.

- Do not switch from distilled drinks to fermented ones and vice-versa

- Do eat/snack along your drink, prefer appetizers rich in fat

- At the end of the evening, if you're not too sick, don't forget your AlkaSeltzer!


Cheers everybody!

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i think ive realised why lately alcohol has been effecting me alot more than normal, its because im not eating, coz my friends were worried and without telling me they wrote down each day for a week (with my family watching whist at home) what id eaten and it turns out tht each day i only ate under 1 'proper' meal. so im beginning to eat more. just remembered i havent eaten today, so i just had a nice jacket potato with cheese and beans, ill prob try and eat more before the party tonight. and ive decided im not going to drink and if i do ill only have 1. im only taking 5 quid, and tht is for emergancy use, so yeah. thanx all of u tho. ill let u kno how it went

spaggle x

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