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I really wanna....But don't know how! ??

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i am with this really georgeous guy but, i really wanna kiss him and he does to, but not just like a normal kiss i mean like a propa kiss (french kiss) CAN ANYONE GIVE ME INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW I FRENCH KISS please........like what you do with your tongue and stuff...coz i really don't wanna be humiliated! please please please help

thnx xx

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Okay, why not just give a simple answer instead of making her dig through a bunch of topics?


I can't comment on techniques since I've never actually done it myself but I will say my general though on kissing. Don't think, just act. Kissing is all instinct, you'll know what to do when it happens. The more you try to force it or do something to make it special, the less you're focused on simply enjoying it. You said you had the courage so just kiss him and do what feels right. And your young, it's not like you're going to be expected to be the world's best kisser. As long as you two care about each other, you'll both enjoy it.

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