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i have been attracted to this guy from afar since last year. this year, i found his webpage through myspace. i added him as a friend, and i even found out one of my close guy friends are friends with him. he said on his site that he was single, so i thought, 'hey, cool.'


i want to get to know him, and i want him to get to know me. recently he wrote an entry saying he wants to find a girl that he can be himself with and all that stuff. thing is, hes involved with a girl thats treating him so badly. she says she likes him but when hes around, she doesnt show it. in fact, he even said she basically neglects him. especially when shes around her guy friends.


i want him to notice me, and push her aside. i can treat him so much better than what shes doing to him. hes a good guy, even my guy friend who was close to him says so. i dont think he deserves to be toyed around with by that girl...but how do i do it? so far the only thing ive done is offered him my listening ear becuz it sounds as if he needs one.


does anyone else have any tips?

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Basically, make sure that you are there when he needs someone for proper support. If this girl is particularly nasty to him at any point... Be there for him to offer advice. Guys really like advice, especially if its advice that he wants to hear.

She has no serious interest with him, and he obviously realises this. I am sure that he is looking for a girl who is caring and understanding. Someone who is completely the opposite to the girl he is currently dating. he will be very attracted to someone who starts offering him advice, and listens to him and occasionally giving him compliments. If he starts complimenting you back, then you know that there can be a potential connection between you 2. If you make him laugh, joke around with him or even talk to him on a challenging subject, you are offering him scope to be himself. Do all those things and u'll be supprised that happens

You'll be amazed at how nice and friendly people will be, if you are nice to them in return.




"looking for a quote here" 8)

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As the others have said, just make sure you are there for him as much as possible. As I guy I know that it is great if girl are there for you, and offer you advice, even if it is only what he wants to hear. Make him feel better about himself as I am sure this girl cannot be doing that for him.

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These other posters have left GREAT advice!


I just want to add another tidbit: You can ask your close guy friend to help you out here! He can introduce you, or help scout out information for you to see if this is going anywhere. (So, what do you think of so-and-so? She's pretty cool, huh? Why don't you ask her out? I know for a fact she's available for that dance coming up. )


Just becareful about becomeing the "emotional fallback blanket." You don't want to "steal" this guy away, but make sure your romantic intentions are CLEAR. Be subtle, but not TOO subtle. For example, tell him you care about him "deeply"and that he deserves a girl that will treat him better and [insert some of your qualities, like plays vollyball ].


Or you could ask him straight out (once you two are closer, I mean) "Do you see a future for us, romantically? I care a lot about you, and this question has been bugging me for awhile."


Just make sure you have another topic handy. Nothing is worse than that awkward silence once he answers yes or no.


Good luck!

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