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I feel like I should do something here


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My dad hunts pheasants (a type of bird). My grandfather does as well.


My dad also runs dogs in field trials, it's basically a competition to see who's dog is the fastest and most well behaved.


Sounds all good right? Wrong.


My grandpa has two hunting/field trial dogs, and he takes good care of them. So no issue there. He's had them for years and they're fine.


My dad, however, goes through hunting dogs like they're not even pets. He sells/trades them, sends them off to trainers for months at a time (so my dad doesn't even really put forth the effort into them winning competitions, but that's besides the point) and hardly ever takes them out to hunt or run and get there energy out or socialize.


He sees them as trophies, not animals with feelings. We have two hunting dogs out back in the kennels right now. Both full grown males.


They hardly ever leave there cage. My dad used to take them out a lot, but since he moved he's stopped. And I'm not sure what to do with them. They're set in there ways, (aka you can't teach an old dog new tricks) so it would be darn near impossible to teach them to be inside dogs so they could get the love they deserve. AND I'm not a hunter so it's not like I can take them out and let them do there thing and have fun.


The dogs are impossible to take on walks too. I've tried. The most I can do is take the time to let them out, separately because they fight each other (both un-neutered males), for a bit of time and love on them. I can't leave them out unsupervised because they're very athletic and can jump our fence.


And pretty soon I'm going to be very busy. Starting school full time and trying to get a job. The dogs are already neglected as is, spending nearly 24 hours a day in a cage, and that's with me trying my best to make time to pay attention to them. Imagine how bad it will be when I'm super busy!


I've tried to bring up to my dad multiple times that these dogs are neglected and need a person who can let them run and hunt. Not someone who keeps them in a cage 99% of the year except for the occasional hunting trip or competion so the owner (my dad) can look like a big strong man who's dogs are the best ones.


He won't budge. I'm considering just putting an ad up - "free to a good home" and telling my dad they got out/ or stolen. Idk what else to do. I feel like I'm guilty of animal abuse by just letting this happen.

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Ask your grandfather, his dad, to have a man to man conversation about the dogs and maybe grandpa takes them off your hands and your dad can borrow them to have his fun when he feels like once a year. Or suggest to your dad that it's time to sell these dogs for good, since he is not really into it anymore. The dogs would be better off with someone who is actively participating in the sport, since they are not really pets. So please don't just give them away to people who won't be able to handle the dogs. If you want to place an ad, do it in the sport related magazine or local club so they go to someone who knows how to manage the dogs properly and will be happy to take them in. Trying to turn hunting dogs into house pets would require skilled re-training and it would lead to potential disaster with just a random person thinking they are getting an easy free pet.

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