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She talks too much and doesn't bathe well...

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I have recently begun going out with my roommate. I like her but one problem is that she talks too much. She's a very verbal person, she

even talks to herself, and that's ok. But I'm finding it a lot more challenging everytime we go out, especially when she talks about politics! How does one avoid politics with some one who has politics in their blood.


The other problem is when we going to have sex, she never bathes well.

As much as I would like to go all the way down, I can't because the smell is so bad, and also she doesn't brush her teeth very often, so I don't even want to kiss her, with bad breath.


How can I take care of this? I've tried different things, but I'm running out of ideas.


Please help

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oh.. that sounds kind of nasty... i would suggest taking her to bath and body works, and telling her youll buy her ne thing she wants, because shes special to you... she will probably bo so happy with you that she wolnt even see the hidden meaning. you could also tell her that you like the sent of the lotion, or body stuff, n say that you want to smell it when your making love to her. about the teeth thing, um.. well, you could lie, try buying some breath mints, before you start kissing be like, lets make our breath fresh and cool... and get her to take on so you dont have to tast a nasty, unclean mouth.

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  • 2 years later...

What if before you have the sex

you bath with her and clean her and she cleans you?

she sounds like she smokes .. does she?

i dunno if i can help you on the teeth problem , maybe watching tv and give her white and fresh gum and say im like addicted to it and try alittl ebit , do you like it?

see good idea!

love Melissa xxxx

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what exactly do you like in her? she doesn't seem all to appealing.


LOL My thoughts exactly!


If your new girlfriend is not that well kept and she talks too much and it sounds like it's about something that you don't care about, I'm curious why you are with her?


As for ideas, the Bath and Body Works is a good idea. Someone that doesn't brush their teeth is a big turn off for me. I like women who take care of themselves, are well groomed, and care about their health. I think women who do those things, well, it says a lot about who they are and their values. Maybe just be straight up with her and use my line!

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akh, with punks like this you can try the suggestions....but beware...

it will be an ongoing battle!


Reversing roles sometimes works and fun play: If you're more clean cut and CLEAN.....get all nasty one day when you're about to go at it. Let her smell and see what's it like. Catch her right out of the shower, and lay it on thick (even lift your arm so she gets a whiff of your pit)...lol...


p.s. Pick a really ridiculous political topic and drill it over and over in public...she'll fume...then you can crack a joke ..make your point


only do my suggestions if yall are tight and these issues are minor. gotta take her as is.

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Politics is just one of those subjects, kind of like religion. There are those which could verbally live strictly on those two. Most people don't like to touch it because its controversial, I find if you know someone who you've known for years and never argued or debated with, just bring up Politics or Religion and you're sure to get some kind of rise.


Personally I like to talk about Politics and Religion on the level of intellect, but I don't live on it. I would never myself date someone who couldn't carry a logical conversation, we have to deal with both, part of life, period. Yet, it really depends what kind of politics she is speaking of. That may simply be her interest in life like everyone else has. She may be the debating type, who knows. There is always a reason. I've met people who like to speak Politics and Religion just for the pure joy of irritation or being simple minded, however. It just improves the wit for replies far as I can tell.


I think as far as the lack of personal hygiene I'm going to step down a level and say: Eww. You can try subtle methods such as offering gum, breath mint, body products for holidays, be an unpaid advertisement for your favorite toothpaste and why everyone especially her should try it, but the issue being, poor personal care doesn't go away. A person who can stand themselves in that poor of a condition do not have the type of motivation to get their act together.


Political correctness in a way doesn't help either for some, at times, you just need to lose the soft feathery edge and be blunt about how to make that work. You may end up needing to do that if she continues because really, she needs to understand its not going to get her anywhere. I think you two mentioned you were roommates, college I presume? Well, not many people in the professional world are going to go long last body odor and yellow smile. Think she may need to realize that as well.


Overall, I fear this is a case where she'll either get the hint on a blunt level, or she'll be clueless through the subtle. In the past there were people I acknowledged where friends would give them such (and more like huge) hints whether through offerings, presents or verbal cues about themselves and it still never clicked in. Eventually a non-friend would someday come up and make a statement that hurt their feelings, but it did get the job done. Not what I'd like to recommend but times tact just will not go far, but probably no tact would be a last resort.

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somewhere in between subtle and blunt, you have the option of diplomacy:


"i would like to go down on you, but i can only do it when a girl has just bathed."


"i'm really anal about kissing a clean mouth."


"for some reason, it makes me uncomfortable to talk politics in front of strangers."


and so on.


just to be clear, i don't feel that you ARE being anal, just that it might be a semi-comfortable method for approaching her on these issues.

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