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Any suggestion on what can I do?

Ng Zhi Xiang

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There's a girl which I had a crush for almost 6 years, hell f**king yes, 6 years. Now I finally got my arse and started to actually lose some weight( yes, I am fat) due to some motivation which is from her of course. I started from a conversation with her through social media, Facebook, and there's one day where she spoke about that I actually kept changing questions which I did that to keep the conversation going ... She said she didn't like to talk( text) through online, or talk to someone who she don't know much about. I didn't really talk to her much through the years , we went to different classes by then. I felt quite elated when I talk to her, keeping the relationship going till I actually lost the weight that I feel comfortable to confess to her that I actually love her... But then, when she said she didn't like to talk... I felt severely depressed and can't really go on cause I felt that I can't keep the conversation going since she felt uneasy maybe... I don't really have the guts to talk to her in real life... Even till now and still depressed ... What should I do? I am a really sensitive guy . Thanks for reading!

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First of all, i would stop feeling depressed. You are losing weight man! You're improving on yourself, instead of feeling sad for yourself. Way to go! Take that motivation and willpower that you seem to possess and start up a new hobby, take a course or whatever and make that confidence grow even more. In the meanwhile, you might want to find out why you don't feel comfortable talking in person? Is this something you have problems with in other situations? And CAN'T you really? I think you easily can, once you gain more confidence through other things and figuring out the feelings that cause you to feel so. Even trying to do talk in person, and failing or whatever, will lift your confidence, because you conquered one of your fears. You have the right to be with that girl if she might be interested in you.. you have to find the confidence to win her in yourself.. Go get her, i'd say Compliments on your mentality!

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Just tell her you dont have the guts to talk to her in real life and take it easy, the best is to just stay a bit distanced for the while and to keep excercising! It's important though that you do it for yourself, it's nice that the notion of her motivates you but you have to also be open to the idea of it not working out with her. If I were you just stay in love with the idea of loving her and if it doesnt work out, with the idea of loving someone you'll meet that you will feel about just the same- maybe even more strongly.


hope this helps

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