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We were together for just under two years and were engaged for about a year. I fell in love with her so fast and we poured our souls into each other. I think we reached a point where we were both too dependent on each other and when she started to, very healthily, move away from codependence, I started to lean on her more.


She broke everything off on Dec. 3rd and has already started seeing someone else. I'm still madly in love with her, and as much as she has hurt me, I still want her back. I'm rationally aware that that won't happen, but I really wish it would.


I miss her so much. I'd rather be with her and fighting constantly than feel the way I feel now. I still think of her as my baby and I don't want to move on, I dont want that to change.


She says she's happier now and I'm glad, her happiness means so much to me, I just can't believe that this is over. I can't believe that I will never kiss her again, never hold her again. I want her to be the mother of my children. We came up with names for our children at one point. I can't help but look at the current situation and feel like my life is over.


People keep telling me I need to take care of myself right now and take my mind off of her, but for christ's sake, how can I take care of myself when half of me is gone?



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Well don't feel like you did anything wrong. She proabably had her eye on this guy before she left you.


Life goes on. A lot of felt this way at one time or another. I was engaged like 3 times. My father was engaged before my mother. It happens. It sucks, but it is all part of our learning experience. You survived before she came into your life and you will survive after she left your life.


You don't really have no choices, especially since she said she is happier now. Once my girl found interests in another man, then I just cut them off. I don't take no tainted items...know what I mean?


It will suck for a while, but you will get through it and find someone else to name children with.



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I don't take no tainted items...know what I mean?


Sorry dude can you explain this..


As for the fiancee, just give yourself time as time passes you will realise that maybe it wasn't for the best. DBL is probably right and she had her eye on some one else for a while, or maybe he kept yapping in her ear but either way why would you want her back.


Can you really trust has you are meant to trust one during marriage.

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I get what you guys are saying but I can't help the fact that I still love her.


I know that she was interested in him for a while, but she was interested in me for a lot longer before that. I want her back. I'm rationally aware that that will almost assuredly not happen, but that doesn't mean I don't want it to.


How could I ever be with someone else and not wonder "do I love you as much as I love her?" Will I ever be as close to someone else again?


God, I hate this.



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I am in same situation I came here for my fiancee left everything in my country and start living new life in USA.. but she left me on NOV 11 .. i felt really bad.. she said I dont have any feelings for you..and I dont want to get marry.. but dude listen.. You are the MAN and you have to act like a MAN.. remmember 1 thing If you want her then dont think about her I know its hard but Its become little easy when you think from your brain not from your heart.. be a MAN and take it as a experience..start loving yourself, go gym, do partying look for some1 your type.. and be kool dress up yourself.. Remmeber 1 thing never ever contact her in life..

move forward built your selfesteemed you did right..




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I don't take no tainted items...know what I mean?


That means once another guy touches her, I don't want her no more. I have never dated the same person twice. Once she leaves and messes with another guy, she is then tainted.


Nfreeman -

I thought I was in love a couple of times. Over time though I realized that I wasn't really in love with them, but more so was comfortable with them and became used to them being around. It always seems like the end of the world(in most cases anyway), but it is really just an adjustment. I found that my pride was more hurt then my heart. You should really sit down and think about that.


On another note...if you knew she had feelings for another guy you should of just booted her then. She is gone and life is going to get better.



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