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So what am I to think about this situation....


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So I dumped my 2nd ex gf the week before Christmas and I started to miss her like crazy a couple of weeks ago.. so about 5-6 days I sent her a text and she seemed kind of distant...i havent texted her back...I noticed she unblocked me on fb...I sent her a friend request and she acccepted and then removed me...but im still not blocked..i have no idea what to think or how to act from here..

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So I dumped my 2nd ex gf the week before Christmas and I started to miss her like crazy a couple of weeks ago.. so about 5-6 days I sent her a text and she seemed kind of distant...i havent texted her back...I noticed she unblocked me on fb...I sent her a friend request and she acccepted and then removed me...but im still not blocked..i have no idea what to think or how to act from here..


Since you're the dumper, you don't get the luxury of being subtle. If you are serious about wanting her back (make sure you are and that you aren't having a moment of weakness, because that would be extremely unfair to your ex) you need to put yourself on a limb. No "feeling her out", no trying to be subtle, say "I miss you, I made a mistake, I want you back." You are the one who broke it, you have to be the one to fix it. And you have to be direct in fixing it, because if she's a smart dumpee, she's not going to make it easy for you to contact her and play her.

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