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Well,the girl i LOVE....i thought she did not like me,before i saw her flirting with other boys,but look..she disowned some of her friends,she doesn''t even talk to her own cousin anymore....and worse of all...she was crying ,i feel so sad.... how did this all happan?well one of my dumb friends said i did not want to talk to her...thats what happan... i love this girl and i know she likes me...but she does not know that,i'm sick of asking my frineds to do me favors,i wanna talk to her myself,but everytime i try....theres like a freaking wall blocking me to her...i just CAN"T!!!

man,i wish i was not shy,or nervous,and what i heard this girl likes me more then i do!and LOVE HER ALOT!!!geez,one more week till a LOOONG time till i see her...please enotalone help me,i got to do this...i just gotta

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bro you just gotta go up and say it...im a very shy person but i do end up telling the girls how i feel when i need to....before i do it, i just constantly tell myself "nothing comes easy, you gotta work for everything"..anything worth anything is gonna be hard, do it or prepare to not ever quite have what you want or be where you wanna be in life

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what odysseus said is totally true...

Look, you are stuck in a loop. It sounds like you can't rely on your friends to convey your messages to this girl. so you need to take matters into your own hands.


I'm saying this as a guy who used to be just as shy as you are now. You need to approach her at some point. And regardless of what happens... i repeat.. regardless of what happens when you approach her, you will feel soooo much better about yourself afterwards. The weight will be lifted from your shoulders and you will feel like you can do it again the next time around.


I've been shot down at least a couple times when I approached someone and I was really shy.. and while it would still feel bad to get shot down, at least I put myself out there and got out of my own mental purgatory of wondering if she liked or not or whatever I was worried about.

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