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Now What Should I Do!?!?!?

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Hi, this post is about what i should do about a girl i like.


For all the background info on whats happened, etc. please look at the link below, it explains everything. (I apologies before you go to the link, its a long post as it contains everything about whats happened between us)


link removed


Now for the story to continue since then. Well as the title form my previous topic suggests i only had two days left to say that i liked her, and i didnt get the chance. Now the problem is that ive left that school permenantly, im only going back to do my exams and thats it, while she will be there for the next year, and im off to uni then.


Basicallly i didnt say how i feel, and ive got no real means of meeting her. I contact her with SMS's occasionally, but i never know what to say, so i was wondering if anyone has any ideas what to talk about. I've contacted he recently through SMS's, and it was not too bad. They were just general chit chat about how each of us are, she teased me about not needing to revise for my exams because they're easy and i wished her luck in her next exam and she replied thanking me and wisheing me luck in ALL my exams.


However, i will add that she is a little strange when replying to my SMS's. For example i recently sent her one at 3.30pm on a Saturday afternoon, which she received at 5pm that evening. However, i didnt get a reply until 4.00am the Sunday morning!!! I thought this was strange because the SMS i sent her was only asking her about how her revision was going, and she took that long to say that she was starting the next day! Do you think this means anything, or am i reading to much into this?


thereforeeeeeee, i was wondering what your opinions on these different issues i have.


1. Do you think she likes me?

2. Should i tell her how i feel?

3. Have i missed my opportunity?

4. How should i tell her thta i like her?

5. Do i still have a chance with her?

6. Do you think the SMS's mean anything?

7. What can i talk to her about, in the SMS's and in person?


Thanks for listening.

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May i first say that this is like a mirror image of my situation at the moment - with the roles reversed i.e. i'm the same age as the girl you like and the guy i'm interested in is older by a year (and a bit) and it indeed was his last day of college the friday before last, txt msgs are our primary source of communication and yes i did only realise how much i felt for him and get enough courage right at the last minute to tell him and in case your wandering yes i too didn't get a chance to express my feelings then, kinda freaky huh! So now comes the advice what i did next is not advised! i really wanted (sorry wrong tense there - i really want) to be with this guy and i kept bottling it every time i saw him and just chatting like usual so on his last day i hung around all day (skipping lessons i may add) to hope to get a chance to tell him - but time slipped by and he didn't show on his last day. So i went home wimpering about what could have been, until i got to a point - that same evening when i got so annoyed with myself i decided to do something about it! I confessed all through sms msgs (not advised) anyway to cut a longish story short i still don't know where he's at with it all - he's confessed to mutual friends that he really likes me but is yet to tell me and this hanging around is killing me! what i'm trying to say is... after reading your post above and the one on the link it is very clear that this girl likes you - she is giving you major signals here, us girls do exactly the kind of things you describe when we like a guy but are either to shy to approach you or are worried about the outcome if we do (girls fear rejection too y'know!) - this is a strong hint to tell all if you feel the same way - which may as well be flashing above your head - you're into this girl in a big way from what i can gather from what you've said and you owe it to yourself to do something about this! but please, please, please do not do as i did and confess over a txt even if this is the main way you communicate instead use txt to arrange to meet somewhere or go round to her house. Another thing don't come on to strong and suddenly spring it on her - this was my mistake and it has led to a panic about whether or not we are still friends as there's been no communication between us for days (very unusual). i'm having to give him space for him to think about things and all i want to do is try and contact him and make sure he's not too shocked by it all. Anyway i'm sorry that theres a bit of my story in there too but i thought because its such a similar situation you may benefit from my experiences! above all be yourself, be honest with her but the key is to try and make her feel special and not scared - you could be the nicest guy in the world but any girl will get a little freaked if you come on to strong and suddenly say ok heres the thing.. i love you!! .... anyway you get the point. Also i don't suggest buying her gifts at this point (unless it's her birthday!!)because that could be interpreted as trying to buy her love and you don't want to be seen in that light! - instead invite her out for a meal or to see a film and pay for her - this is a much greater gift and the memories attached will stay with her! i hope this has helped, good luck and let me know how you get on! take care, luv angelic_spirit

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