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well, don't worry about it. i've had dreams about guys i've liked before. in fact, i had a recent one. meh. then i had one about a friend whom i am not attracted to at all and we wound up kissing. it was so weird. but, yeah, it's your brain being evil. evil brain.

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Sounds just like you really like her. I've had dreams of girls I've liked and they've been some of the best dreams I've ever had. Its perfectly natural and nothing to worry about. But if your dreaming about her than maybe its a sign you want to take the risk. Try talking to her more and really getting to know her. See what could hapen.

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Don't read too much into your dreams. I had a dream in which I was a fighter pilot who crashed strafing pirate ships, and it gave me a horrible hangnail so I had to go over to my hot friend's house because her old chinese lady mother (she's not chinese) has a room full of shelves of fingernail clippers, and my friend was outside playing soccer but Ben Matlock was home and made me go talk to the President.

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