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New Guy


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There is a totally hot new guy at my school but i don't have any classes with him and have no idea how to talk to him. I know that i have some stuff in common with him because my friend knows him well and tells me about him. I think it would be kind of wird to go up to someone who doesn't know me and state the obvious things and would make me sound like a stalker. How should i talk to him in a nice easy going manner?

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absolutely! make eye contact and go over and talk to him...you say hes new to the school, welcome him, offer to show him around sometime, etc...but you are right, do not mention anything you know about him already as that may freak him out...but other than that guys love to be approached my strange girls, it fills us with confidence, i wish more girls did it. Good luck!

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What xmrth is good advice, so let me add just one thing from my personal experience. Don't go to this person and just apper in his face out of nowere and scream "HI!" or something... that would freeck me out... I know it... and it happened today... twice... So I'm telling you... be polite, and don't have a look in your face that you want that chocolate cake no matter what...


Just a thought... Hope it helps! 8)

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