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Do you ever get an sudden urge to contact an ex?


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So me and my ex have been broken up since September and haven’t contacted each other since then. (hes the one that walked away) We dated only 8 months but were head over heels in the beginning. I been doing well just pressing through life and actually been really busy. I even have a new crush right now on this HOT guy at my gym and the way things are looking it seems to take a like to me as well. But all of a sudden I have this HUGE urge to contact my ex. I don’t have a cellphone # of his (since I deleted his contact in my phone as well as changed my # entirely) so I wouldn’t be able to even if I wanted to. But it got me thinking, has anybody EVER had that same experience? Whether you left a relationship or vise versa? It just makes me wonder if the other party ever just all of a sudden gets an urge that came out of nowhere to contact their past like how I’m going through right now.

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I think sometimes right when you are on the verge of moving on, you can't help but look back. I think I am at that stage.... Like here I am moving on and feeling unsure, looking back at the comfort of what was..... I have no intentions of reaching out but I know what you mean.....

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Yup, since I woke up this morning. I don't know whats going on, I was fine. I tend to over analyze things as much as I try to discourage others from doing it.


In November while we were still together, she had a court date, so I went with her to show support. The judge gave her a return date in December. Well, we broke up end of November and I was in NC. She sent me a text for Thanksgiving and I responded with a short reply. When her follow up court date came, I just sent her a simple "I hope everything went well with court today". She responded with a few texts kind of expecting conversation or further inquiry from me but I didn't respond, kinda felt bad, though I shouldn't.


Then, on Christmas she sent me a text e-card (Inside joke) and wished me and my dog well, etc. I responded in kind, but since then I've been a little sad. She is VERY wrong for me, and though I don't miss the relationship with her, I do miss my friend, and thats what sucks. I soooo want to send her a simple "I'm ok with the relationship being over, but I do miss my friend", but I won't be sending that text. Rather just vent here.

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For me it is usually a fleeting urge. I remind myself that he dumped me and probably doesn't want to hear from me anyway since he is probably with the girl he left me for. At this point, I have nothing to say to him.


Distract yourself for a couple of hours and you will see that the urge passes. Nothing will change with you calling them.

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