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Could i be over thinking?


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Got a new manager in my department while i was a contractor for the company. At the end of my contract, all hiring were on freeze. Due to my work ethics, skills, experience and comment to my work, she fought hard regardless of the freeze to retain me.


Not trying to be cocky but i know a lot more and experienced than my colleagues. Furthermore, after i became a permanent employee; some of my colleagues have been picking on me (Arrive 5 minute late, When i take longer to resolve issue, Asking questions about my qualifications).


More so, I'm the youngest of my team mate (very very young). Most of the team members have been with the company for over 10 - 15 years. We all received gifts from our supervisor and manager, but the decided to buy a gift for the supervisor but not the manager. When i said " Can we get our manager a gift, the said she is new".


These issues are starting to get to me.



1. How do i handle the situation without creating more conflict ?

2. Should i buy my manager a gift? How about if the found out that i brought the gift for her regardless?

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You should never buy a supervisor a gift. Never.


This like giving an apple to the teacher, its like your trying to gain favor in the company, whats the point are you even friends with the manager outside of work? I think it would be awkward presenting a gift to him/her.


No relationship outside of work. Looked at it like a kind gesture.

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