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i need advice on wut to do

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i have a friend lets call her maria k a couple weeks ago i saw cuts in her arm i knew she wuz cuttin herself but i asked and she didnt respond k so now currently she seems depreseed and cuts herself i dont know wut to do i really care about her she used to say hi to me now she doesnt but i need help wut should i do to help her she used 2 be happy now shes strange and talks bout suicide

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I have working with people who have cut themselves, many times they do it, as weird as it sounds, because it feels good. Sometimes they don't know how else to relieve the pain, maybe she just needs somebody to talk to. Other times people like to do it because they like making scars on themselves. Its probably really embarrassing for her to go and talk to somebody about it. Maybe just take her out for coffee and talk about life, don't push her to talk about her problems, but let her know that you are there for her if she does want to talk. It may get to the point where you may need to tell somebody about the situation. Good Luck!

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First off, Good on ya for caring enough at only 13 to come on here and ask for help


Tenn, I don't wana stepp on your toes, because I'm sure your advise is good, and true, but this isn't two adults here. They are in grade 7 or 8. That's pretty young to being cutting isn't it? Maybe at this age, seeking profetional help or at least alerting the parts as to what is going on would be a more appropriate approach. I mean, how would they even go for coffee, they probably don't even drink it yet! Maybe I'm wrong, what does everyone else think?

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nope, your right Jimbo, I didn't look at their age until after....... hmmmm, how to approach your friend. This situation maybe difficult, because your friend probably doesn't want everybody to know. Has anybody gone to a trusted adult and told them? If not maybe you should tell an adult that you trust. But remember if you do and your friend finds out, she may not be too happy with you. But I to tell an adult is the right thing to do, because your friend may need some help. Good luck!

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