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Always falling for the wrong guy...

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I always seem to fall for the wrong guy and to be honest, it's kind of depressing me.


There's a guy at work...let's call him Andy for now. I don't really speak to him much, but we exchange smiles sometimes. He's the cutest guy in the world and I really really like him.


However, there's a problem, and it's a weird problem at that. Don't laugh when I say this but I think he might be gay. Ok I didn't say that LOL.


I don't know why on earth I think this because well, where I live, you can spot someone who is gay a mile out. If he walks like a gay, talks like a gay and does the limp wrist, then he is so gay, but Andy, his voice is very quiet and...gayish LOL sorry I'm not very good at explaining things.


He doesn't have the walk and he doesn't go around limping his wrist every chance he gets...Knowing me he probably isn't gay. I never see him outside of work clothes so I can't tell if his dress sense is gay too.


Man I feel so stupid after writing this, but I really like this guy and I don't want to go up and ask him if he's gay because if he's not, it might offend him, but I like him so much!



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well it would be a great way of asking him out.....


"hey are you gay?"




"well wanna go out some time then?"




and if you dont to ask then i dont kno how ur really gonn find out mayb you cud get one of ur work colleagues to find out....or tell him that one of you guy frend likes him....and see how he reacts.....if hes gay hell happy if not hell b angry.....i dnt kno really sorry im not much help

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you may have offended a few gay people on here....I know plenty of gay/lesbians who don't wear it on their sleeve like a patch and where you live doesn't dictate how you show it. Gay isn't about your outward apperance, it's about an inner feeling, and you are in a way, disrespecting that.


ok that said...


ask him if he wants to go have lunch sometime...if he says yes you can get to know him that way...casually. If he says no, he's not interested - for whatever reason.


Bear in mind something...a lot of people feel dating a co-worker is unacceptable...so consider your lunches, if he doe say yes, to be on a friend level only until through conversation you find out for sure where he stands on that.

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Hmm thanks for the advice guys =)


I think the best thing I can do really is find someone who knows him and ask them. I mean, I know a load of people who work with him and we work on the same department so it's not as if it's hard or anything.


With any other guy I've liked, I've never had this feeling that he may be gay. I don't find it a problem at all, but I'm wondering on whether he is or not because well, I like him loads


Confusing stuff this is...

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