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big cut on vagina lips


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I have a big cut on the outside of my vagina it is hard to explain, it is around the lip area where hair grow. there is like a cut , like a booboo idk how to explain, it doesnt itch or anything, just when i pee if the pee touch it it stings a lil. I know its not hiv or any diseases because i got tested a month or two ago and everything came out good. Idk if it is from shaving or what . I am worry about it and cant go to the doctor cuz my insurance got cancel.. anyone ever had something familiar to that

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Yes, I've done that and it's a nightmare, good god. I have usually put something like a barrier cream, even plain vaseline(petroleum) when I use the bathroom, then wash it gently and dab it dry. It's not like you can bandage it..but I've placed a cloth there so it doesn't rub against my clothes.

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