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Ok, it means, ill give u an example, a lady has an affair with a married man with children, his wife finds out, they get divorced, everybody is unhappy especially the children, the lady and guy, now ruinded a family, and destroyed the love they had in the home, thus becoming home wreckers.

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A man can be a homewrecker too, if he has an affair with a married woman, etc. Of course, you generally hear the term only for women. By the way, I laughed out loud that you thought it could mean being a terrible housekeeper. If that's the case, I'm afraid I'm a home wrecker, too!

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well why I brought this up..the girl that I like was on earlier and put in her away message " aka homewrecker well that I know she's not married lol or going after a married person..just wonder what it possibly could mean.


for a good time now i've had that strong feeling she likes me alot back,but just holding back because of college and stress with that. could it be possible that she is in love with me and feels like she's ruining it by the holding back? I hate to say that but is it possible?

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