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female masturbation -- start age


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I read somewhere that some girls may start masturbation at age 5. Is that possible ?


I did not feel anything sexual until I was 11 !

Even though my girlfriends and I talked about it, and I tried what they told me, I could not feel anything.

Is that abnormal ?


But after that first time at 11, it was the most intense thing ever. I had to do it every day !

(suddenly, one day I got hot down there, and started rubbing, and before I knew it, I exploded)



a pal told me she discovered orgasm while biking at 12. (never had masturbated before -- she did not know anything about 'that')


another: she was 5 1/2 when she discovered by chance that repeated pulling of her panties into her was very pleasurable ! (but she did not orgasm until age 14)



Would like comments on ages at which girrls discover masturbation (and how it happened -- and if it was accidental or intended). (NO STORIES INVOLVING SEXUAL ABUSE PLEASE !)


Thanks ! - yllany

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Here it is. I am a boy but I'll tell you what I know. When I was in eight grade at school the whole class received some books on masturbation from our biology teacher. She gave us the books for a week. Anyway it said there that girls may start masturbating even when they are under the age of 1.

You can masturbate without having an orgasm. It's that easy.

If you have other questions or want to talk to me send me a private message because I may forget of this topic in the future.

Have a nice day!

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I had heard something like this too. I'm a guy, but I had heard kids can start masturbating very early. I don't understand how this can be so, to be honest. I didn't start until I was 12.


But hey, you're enjoying it now, so why does it matter when you can start. Have fun!

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  • 3 weeks later...

However, for some reason I started at the age of 5. Again, there was nothing sexual, but I found after 10 minutes of play that there was a nice sensation.


Just before my teens the sensation improved even though it was clear shit for the first year and a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

i just messed about ever since i was about 4 but i really started when i was 12. for some reason when i ejaculated (nothing actuly came out at that age) i felt annoyed and frustrated the 1st few months of trying it.

now its like the best bit lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started when I was 14. I didnt start beginning of grade nine, I mean, actually meaning to masturbate. But when I was younger I always used to play around wit my p*ssy. Only now do I kno what a great feeling it is, but I cant seem to orgasm...hm....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I started when I was 14. I didnt start beginning of grade nine, I mean, actually meaning to masturbate. But when I was younger I always used to play around wit my p*ssy. Only now do I kno what a great feeling it is, but I cant seem to orgasm...hm....


dear Sara002, I agree with the post above. I will add that vibrating toys are one of the best true and tried aids in 'getting there'. Hope you can get hold of some. (catalogs for Adam & Eve, Xandria, etc. are in the web -- some of them used to take money orders, i dunno -- I myself am not comfy with having their name on my visa statement -- although i would bet they use a different name there, just to prevent customer possible embarrassment)


else, there are therapeutical massagers sold in places like KMart or Walgreens (assumming you are in the USA). even vibrating toothbrushes can do the trick. (don't use the brush itself !)


hope it helps ! -- yllany

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  • 2 months later...

infants often touch themselves while on the changing table. they feel pleasure but not orgasim. its when ur hormones start effecting u in ur teen/ pre-teen years that u start getting orgasims. my mom told me used to play 'down there' when i was a baby. (kinda weird coming from ur parents but hey, how else r u supposed to remember?)

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  • 8 years later...

I started around 14, but that was because i didn't even know such a thing as "masturbation" existed before that. In fact, I didn't even know you could get pleasure from touching a vagina. And addition to that, I was scared of vaginas as a little kid, just because I thought it was carrying trillions of germs or something. Weird.

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Still amusing, Agent. As a guy, I started getting erections around 6 or 7, but had no idea what they were. Which led to much confusion. Up until 12 or so I then thought every time I peed with an erection I could be getting a girl pregnant.

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Hi! I've read in several places that it is normal for girls to masturbate as young as 5. In fact, I did. I never knew what it was or why I did it, I just new it felt good, like scratching an itch or something. Eventually the habit wore off, and between the ages of 8-15 the extent of my sexuality was replaying kissing scenes on movies and such. At 16 I started masturbating for real -- to orgasm. It was pure curiosity. I had a boyfriend and we would kiss a lot, but I was always afraid to take it to the next level because I was hardly even aware of my sexuality, so why would I let him touch me? I just wanted to try it and I happened to like it.

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I’m female and was at least I preschool when I discovered it. I don’t remember how. I also had an unusual way of going about it and have an embarrassing memory of attempting to do it in public. At the time I didn’t know any better but I remember being asked by a grown-up if I needed to use the bathroom.


When I discussed how to do it with my girlfriends they had a different experience than me. One suggested I go in the bathtub and allow the water to fall directly on what I now understand to be my clitoris. This was always too ticklish and uncomfortable for me.


Now that I’m an adult I can sorta do it the same way I started out but I feel like it is not as satisfying as it once was. Sex usually isn’t very satisfying to me either so I don’t know how this change came about or how to fix it…

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  • 11 months later...


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