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help me reasure my girl that im maddly in love with her

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heres my situation. my girlfriend is the best and i love her more than anything in the world, i would do absolutely anything for her and i cant imagine my life with out her in it. but she thinks that she annoys me and that im getting sick of her. which is totally untrue. she thinks that i dont want to be with her anymore and that im becoming distant from her. I dont want her to feel like this i know what it is like to feel like that and its horrible. i tell her that im not going to leave her and that i love her heaps but i still think shes not convinced.


does anyone have any ideas on how to help me reasure her that im maddly in love with her and im not going anywhere.


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what makes her think that your being distant and annoying you?? I mean, actions speak louder than words, so if your not being very affectionate, then maybe she thinks that's why ur being distant??


Reassure her i say by romancing her... being affectionate... suprising her, being thoughtful...

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I know how your girlfriend feels. It's not your fault. Maybe she is scared of losing you. This fear can make that she doesn't feel loved (fear and insecurity can block any other feelings).


You seem to genuinely love her. Be very affectionate, hold her close and long, say you love her, do things with her she likes to do, things like that.


If it doesn't improve, it might mean your girl needs to work on her selfesteem some more. She might need too much reassurance from you. With that I mean that it might be the case that her world is narrowing down to her relationship with you. That it's all she worries about.


Do you spend all your time together? Do you have the feeling that she wants to do everything together with you, and she enjoys the things you do apart less?



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Hey dude. Whenever I felt like my bf (now ex) was distant, it's because he wasn't listening to me or he wouldn't show that he was enjoying my company. Usually it was an emotional thing for me. I felt he wasn't putting out much effort.


Do you tell her what you like about her, and do you get naturally excited about her every now and then? She may need some positive energy in her life to boost her self-esteem. Try flirting with her a little.

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I definitely agree with the poster that wrote action speaks louder than words. You can tell your girlfriend all the time you love here heaps, but you also need to show her through little things. Like, ya, surprise her with a letter, a cute email, when you see her tell her shes fun, smart, caring etc. You dont need to go to the extreme say you'd die without her, but show her how much life is more beautiful with her in it. I used to feel that way towards my boyfriend, but I understnad he is naturally a n introverted guy. BUt things he would do to make me feel speacial was just make an effort to see me, write me cute cards on bdays or anniversaries, etc. Dont think materialisitc things will win ehr over either. SOme of the best expressions of love are orginal and home made too =). Good luck. Im sure you'll do great, you sound like you care about her.

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Hi Pal,

I sense some guilt in you from the way u sounds in the post. I believe u are pretty impatient in salvaging a relationship that is on the rocks.

But i would advise u not to fake any reassurances, as it shows in the relationship, unless u can change urself for genuine ones. If u cant make do of urself for such a change, then i guess u dun love her as much as she does, the next best option for u, is to CHANGE A GF.

This is because, i believe u shouldnt be dragging her self-esteem down further by being her wrong choice she had made in life initially.


Thanks for reading.

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