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Asking a girl out... (Question)


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I was just wondering... do you think that the fact that MAN have to be the one to ask a girl out is a cultural thing here in the U.S.A?

Because... oh what I know of, in South America (Specially in Argentina and Chile) there is no rule as that... guys asks girls out... girls ask guys... Oh and don't ever say hi to a girl with a KISS!!! (In the U.S.A) But... kisses instead of just flat out hi's are normal in These places... What do you people think? It would had been niser to not leave the whole work and demand on mad don't you think?


(I know most men that read this would agree 8) )

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I lived in Venezuela until I was almost 15, and what you said about the kiss is true. Lol, but it's not like you can just go up to a complete stranger and instead of saying hi, giving her a kiss, lol. It's usually when the guy knows the girl, then he can say hi to her by kissing her in the cheek. Anyway, about the girls making the first move, it's not 100% true... I mean, it is more common, but it doesn't mean that YOU are going to have any more luck than you have here in the US. Unfortunately I'm talking from my personal experience even back then I didn't have a gf. Perhaps it's because looks are not my best department (heck, do I have a good department at all?), but I remember many girls still expected guys to make the first move... Although it wasn't as rare to see a girl asking a guy out first.

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well first off, in America a man doesn't HAVE to be the one to ask a girl out...it's not a hardfast RULE but it's been pretty traditional since the birth of this nation and when it comes to issues regarding men & women...it isn't that progressive as a nation as others. Geography even in our own country plays a rold as well, people on the west coast & midwest are a bit more open to a more progressive way of thinking...but get to the deeper souther portions, or northeastern areas...tradition stands.


I know quite a few women who will ask a man out...me included (prior to my marriage that is!)


Now a full on kiss on the lips of greeting would probably creep me out, esp if I didn't know the person all that well...but a hug and a peck on the cheek to say hello isn't a huge offront...


we aren't called the "melting pot" for nothing...it really depends on where you are here as to what values/morals/"rules" are gone by as a norm.

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Now a full on kiss on the lips of greeting would probably creep me out, esp if I didn't know the person all that well...but a hug and a peck on the cheek to say hello isn't a huge offront...


Yeah, it's not a kiss to the lips. It's more like a very small kiss where they put their cheeks together... At least that's how we used to do it...

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