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I Just don't understand..

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Well i don't really know how to say all of this, but here it goes.. Me and this guy Jaret have been talking to eachother, and I guess in a sense you could say we're bf & gf. Well a couple weeks ago I was talking to his older brother and his brother asked me if I loved Jaret.. and I told him that I did love him but wasn't sure about the whole "being in love with him" thing anymore.. Well of course his brother went back and told Jaret and of course I had to give an explanation on why I was beginning to feel like that. Well Jaret took it as I didn't want to be with anymore and he got rather offensive I guess you could say.. I didn't talk to him for 2 weeks after we had our last little talk about why I didn't love him anymore. Well in the middle of the night Jaret called me just to tell me he loved me.. I just don't get it. I talked to him about a week ago and all he could talk about was other girls.. His ex, Liz and this girl he went to prom with Ashleigh.. Well he told me that if he were to date someone it would be Asheigh, but only because she reminds him so much of me, and he tried to assure me of how much me and Ashleigh are alike.. Well after he got done with that he started talking about some girl he took out on a date named Julie, and honestly I don't know where that came from but he told me that while he was on the date with her he called her Jennifer (my name) and she hadn't talked to him sense. Well after I started crying, he told me that he had to go because it was late anyway, and he had to get up early the next day. Well He told me he loved me and I wouldn't say it back, and he wanted to know why.. and I was like Jaret.. after everything you just said why in the world would I love you? And of course he wasn't too thrilled, and we hung up..


Well not even 30 seconds after I got off the phone I called him right back and told him I loved him and that if he felt like he needed to see other people then to go right ahead. Well then he said no Jennifer.. don't you understand I told you all that to make you jealous because I miss you, I don't get to talk to you anymore, and I miss that. I didn't really understand what to make of it, or whether he was lying to me or not. I mean why sit there and tell me about all these other girls? Its only going to make it worse.. I don't know how to handle the situation, and I'm just so confused.. can someone please tell me what they think...


Thank You

Sorry So long...


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SOmetimes guy do stupid stuff that really make it worse, but you knwo from hearing you opinionm on it, i thinki you really care about him and he cares about you. my advice is this... drop the drama and be straight with him.. tell him how you feel and mean what you say. See where it goes from there


If you need more advice drop em a note

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i think u shud read wht u typed up cos it makes alot of sense !!!

he does like u except like every otha guy alive he cnt be straight with his feelings ! so i think u guys need to sit down and talk it out. i think u need to think abit more abt his feelings, cos a guy does hav feelings too !!! and i think it was pretty brave of him to admit dat he was making all that stuff up abt his ex to make u jelous....

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