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Ok well here it goes,


im 14 and my boyfriend is 17.

we have been dating for a month


In past relationships i have been really comfortable with my boyfriend, but this one is different, i find myself wanting to loose weight because he pinches my sides....(im not overweight, bmi is 17). and i have found myself pulling away when he puts his arm around my waist or trying to hold my hand. i dont think this is fair to him. but im not sure what to do.but anyways, i have been thinking about breaking up with him for at least a week now but i dont know what to say.


and to make matters worse, originally i liked his friend, who supposedly liked me. but before he had a chance to ask me out, my current boyfriend asked me, and i said yes. but i still have feelings for his friend.

and as far as i know, he still likes me.


do i break up with him, or do i see if it works out. i mean if i break up with him, the likelyness of me going out with the guy i kinda like at the moment is very small. so, what should i do?

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That pinching thing is kinda weird. But don't break it off with him when your just speculating what he is doing. Maybe he just is comforted by that, or something. Confront him, tell him you don't like it and ask why he is doing it. From there, just go with the flow!

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hmmmmm well if you are not comfortable with your current boyfriend, then i would say break it off....becuase if you liked him, and wanted to be with him, then you wouldn't have any doubts about anything, and would be comfortable with him touching you....you know??

and it sounds like you like his friend as well, and before him. so if you are still thinking about his friend, then i would break it off....it is not fair to your current boyfriend, don't waste his time, when he could be with someone who wants to be with him, and is comfortable with his weird actions. hope this helped! and hope you come to a solution.

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i think that you should think about if you even like the guy you are with now. usually girls around your age just go out with guys that are older cuz they seem cooler or more intresting now, but when you get to their age you look back and remember some of the things they did and you think "wow that guy was really immature" and stuff. theirs lots of girls i remember when i was in 9th grade that dated guys 2 or 3 years older then them, and now none of them are still dating the guys and i've talked to one of them about it and shes like "yah he seemed cool in 9th grade, but hes just a jerk"


besides that, i think you should break up with the guy anyways because you didn't even want him in the first place. just tell him "sorry but i don't think things are working out between us." after you breakup with the guy you are with you should talk to the guy you like tell him how you feel about him and see if he wants to have a relationship with you. if he dosn't it dosn't matter becuase theres a million guys out there and you must be something if guys 3 years older then you are asking you out.

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I agree with some of the others. Ask yourself if you even like this guy more than a friend. Are you even attracted to him? It seems to me like you might not really be attracted to him, which is ok, but it would explain why you pull away when he puts his arm around you or something.


If you aren't comfortable with this guy, then that might be a sign that you shouldn't be with him, at least for now.


I think you might be confused about your feelings for him. You said that you have been wanting to break up with him for awhile now. I think it might be a good idea for you to break up with him. You aren't supposed to feel insecure with a guy, you are supposed to be happy and comfortable.


I think you should just be honest and open with him. Say something like "you are a great guy, but I'm just not really comfortable in this relationship right now and I think we should break up. I think I just need time to myself to think about things."

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