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Difficulties Concentrating in University


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I'm almost 20 years old and I'm in my last year of college. Ever since high school, I have had zero study habits, and I procrastinated and just didn't study or anything. I still did my homework, but I never felt like I had to try because I got a 3.5 in high school and I did IB, and I made it to a good college in my state. I got excellent grades in my major, and I got admitted to my major, which is computer science. Even though I did rather stellar, I still don't feel like trying and I just feel bored (not of my major, but of going to school).


At this point, the realization hit me that I'm going to have to do something with my life. The obvious answer is to just DO it... But this is way too hard for me. I'm tired of school and I just want to get my hands on something and do some work. I've never had work experience, but I'm feeling extremely lazy to even apply.


Right now I'm slacking in all of my classes, and now the fact that I had zero study habits is creeping up on me. Even though I did not do poorly on the homework I did turn in, I have a lot of group work and I started skipping classes because I am just not feeling this. However, I know I need to concentrate on my school.


How do I get my concentration up? One thing I can say is hate reading materials for class. I do not have income to buy the books, so I just download them all online. I am a CS major, but my laptop is falling apart, but even worse could be said for my motivation. I feel like just doing something new for a change instead of just going to school all the time... Does anyone have any advice? Also I am supposed to finish school as soon as possible. My parents are pushing me but I'm just not feeling it. I get easily distracted and my mind is always racing...

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what are your long term goals? what do you want to do when you graduate? try to tie in your studying into those longer term goals. AKA, you want to be a computer programmer and get a job, thus, you need to have a good GPA in your computer science courses. go to career fairs and ask what they are looking for.

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I agree with Edmund. It is definitely possible that you have ADD. I think you should also ask your doctor if they can direct you to a person who can help you gain skills to stay on track. If your doctor is on campus I'd imagine it isn't the first time they've been asked this.


For starters, start going to all of your classes. It IS hard to study sometimes but if you are at every class, at least you've heard almost all of the material at least once. I would recommend also trying to find a tutor. Your university might have an arrangement where they will pay for this. I'm sure you are smart enough to do it on your own, but a tutor will help you keep up with the material. Lastly, I recommend etching in certain hours every day that you will study. I know it is overwhelming to go from not studying at all and skipping classes to studying for 10 hours. So instead of doing that, I think you should study 1-2 hours a day. Hopefully medication, a tutor and a "coach" to help you stay on track will give you the motivation to pick up the pace a bit on studying. But for now, and hour a day is better than nothing.


I think you should immediately seek diagnosis for ADD. The rest of this semester may be rough but if you do all of these things, I think you will be better off in the spring semester. Finish this school year. If you still aren't feeling it, then maybe school isn't for you. Remember that school isn't forever. I study ALL the time for school and I get so sick of it!! But you know what? Only about 6 more weeks until winter break! Only 4 or 5 months after that until summer break! Only 3 years after that until I am DONE!! School can be very exhausting and some days I feel just like you. But just remember that it's not forever. You WILL be done with it and that time will go faster than you think. Good luck.

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I'm the opposite to you when it comes to the results. I've never been academically smart up until the last couple of years and would always pass by the skin of my teeth, that is what ruined my motivation. Even when I worked really hard and tried my best it would be mere averages whereas the other students like you found it incredibly easy.

I think the first thing that started motivating me was when I actually worked hard and the results of that paid off and I got high marks, that is what motivated me. Your problem seems to be that in the past you have always just flown by without needing to try so you haven't experienced the feeling of actually working your butt off and getting to reap the benefits.

Now you're suffering because the challenge has finally caught up with you. Unfortunately there is no proven quick and easy method to suddenly want to do work, that is something you have to do yourself. You could try motivational sleep hypnosis (plenty of videos on youtube) and try that but I believe motivation honestly comes from the self.

Here are some tips that have helped me over the years -


Get yourself a calendar that you can write on and that you can see the whole month of. If you can't afford to go buy one then I got mine from link removed and just printed out the pages.


It can become a little overwhelming when in your mind you have so much studying and assignments to write so organising your time and planning ahead really sorts out the work load so you can learn to prioritise what is more important for you to do. If, for example you have an assignment due on the last day of this month, however you have an exam a couple of days after that, then perhaps set your own deadline for your assignment for say, the 25th. Then, you have much longer to study and there won't be any last-minute crams sessions.


Really plan ahead so that you don't find that you are running out of time, or procrastinate when you have planned for 5-7pm to be your study time. It is a lot more structured so that you feel you have set rules for yourself. If an assignment/exam is around the corner, make sure you have worked on that and studied before you have any leisure time like going out or watching TV.


Really, the feeling of being overwhelmed, and knowing that you are slacking can cause stress and anxiety which makes you feel like you just don't want to do anything. Once you've broken down what you need to do and when for, you can then refer back to your schedule and take each step at a time.


In my major we don't do any exams but we do have a lot of essays with close deadlines next to each other. In my first year I completely slacked because I just couldn't organise my time, but once I learned how to I found I do a lot better.

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I think maybe your financial problems (not being able to afford the books, computer falling apart) might be the source of some of your unenthusiasm. Are your parents helping you out with $? If they are so dead set on you finishing school as fast as possible it would be odd if they weren't. If not, is there some sort of financial aid you can get that you don't already have? You should look into that.. bursaries, scholarships, etc. It's hard to be motivated when you have inferior "equipment," or it's not working right. I was going to suggest a part-time job but now probably isn't the best time for that since you're having trouble with motivation as it is.

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I think maybe your financial problems (not being able to afford the books, computer falling apart) might be the source of some of your unenthusiasm. Are your parents helping you out with $? If they are so dead set on you finishing school as fast as possible it would be odd if they weren't. If not, is there some sort of financial aid you can get that you don't already have? You should look into that.. bursaries, scholarships, etc. It's hard to be motivated when you have inferior "equipment," or it's not working right. I was going to suggest a part-time job but now probably isn't the best time for that since you're having trouble with motivation as it is.


And to add - does college not have a library with this reading sources that you can have a look at?

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And to add - does college not have a library with this reading sources that you can have a look at?


Yes, but not the books I need. I personally hate reading. I prefer to learn by application, not be reading about it.


I think maybe your financial problems (not being able to afford the books, computer falling apart) might be the source of some of your unenthusiasm. Are your parents helping you out with $? If they are so dead set on you finishing school as fast as possible it would be odd if they weren't. If not, is there some sort of financial aid you can get that you don't already have? You should look into that.. bursaries, scholarships, etc. It's hard to be motivated when you have inferior "equipment," or it's not working right. I was going to suggest a part-time job but now probably isn't the best time for that since you're having trouble with motivation as it is.


My parents won't buy the things that I "want". My parents think I want a laptop to play games because I used to be a heavy gamers in high school. Now I don't play games as much, because I still feel bored when I play it. Everything just feels boring. My laptop is falling apart, but it still works for now. They are helping with money, as they supplied me with money to live on my own close to school and food and everything. It is the ideal studying environment. I just have an extreme lack of motivation right now... it's mind boggling

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Yes, but not the books I need. I personally hate reading. I prefer to learn by application, not be reading about it.




My parents won't buy the things that I "want". My parents think I want a laptop to play games because I used to be a heavy gamers in high school. Now I don't play games as much, because I still feel bored when I play it. Everything just feels boring. My laptop is falling apart, but it still works for now. They are helping with money, as they supplied me with money to live on my own close to school and food and everything. It is the ideal studying environment. I just have an extreme lack of motivation right now... it's mind boggling


Oh, ok, it sounds like things aren't too bad then.. maybe you should ask for a desktop for Christmas or something (unless they think you're going to game on that too), or even use a desktop in the school library if you don't feel like using that laptop.

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