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I'm sorry if this will be too long...but i need your oppinion about my situation...

Here it is...My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years and a half..things were perfect at first..but little by little he started looosing interest in me and our relationship...All he cared about was his computer....and he didnt even let me go near it. He said its nothing..just "work"..but he seemed very anxious and happy to do that "work".Until one day i saw some chat windows open on his computer screen..he said its nothing..again....

I think he is cheating me with people on the internet...i'm thinking of getting a spy software to put an end to all those doubts, but I'm not sure about it..or where to get such a thing...

Please, let me know your oppinion, or if you are in a similar situation, here or on my email address email removed.

Any advice would be much appreciated,

Thank you,


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You know... I think that I know your situation. But I am not in your shoes, but his. You see, I started dating someone, in person, and at the same time I started talking to someone over the internet. What happened was, I fell for the one over the internet, but I didn't feel much more for the guy I was seeing in person. I did care for him, but as a friend.


Now as this was going on I felt really guilty. You see, I felt as if I was cheating on D. with my cyberfriend. Not physically cheating mind you, but emotionally.


My advise to you though, is don't start spying on him. If you hope to work through these difficulties, this won't help you any. I am a firm believer in honesty. This is why, when I realised I didn't have the right feelings for D. I broke it off with him. Now we are just really close friends.


In my opinion, what you need to do is sit down and talk with him. Find out what he is really feeling. And do what is right for you. If he can't give you what you really need, then you need to find someone who can.

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Dear Linda,

I've been in a similar situation...and those doubts wouldnt let me enjoy my relationship....wouldnt let me sleep at night, thinking he is at his computer, cybercheating on me...

For several months i thought my husband is cybercheating on me, i wasnt sure...but ofcourse my doubts, as much as i tryed to hide them, interfeared in our relationship. I decided to put an end to my doubts, to know for sure what is going on. I began searching for ways to check if he is cheating or not. I asked my friends about it and they said maybe i should get some spy software everybody is talking about. I looked on the internet for that spy software, but it was way too expensive for me 600$, and i couldnt explain to my husband that amount of money, so i started looking for other spy softwares... it seemed the best idea. I found cheaper ones, around 300$-200$, but werent what i was looking for...they would only restrict access to some web sites and i didnt want to do that...i just wanted to know what my husband is doing all night at his computer. I continued my search and eventually i found link removed, offering a product most convenient to me, only 99.95$, much less expensive than the other ones,and it has all the features i needed.I was very glad to see they had the posibility to pay for it with a check, so my husband wouldnt find out about that. I received this product to my friend's house, with whom i made an arrangement before placing an order, and i installed this software on my husband's computer.I could see everything he was typing....every screen shot with every window he would open...even when i wasnt there. I am completely satisfied with the service i received and with this great software.Knowledge brought relief allowing me to take appropriate action instead of suffering uncertainty and suspicion.

I'm also happy that i am able to check on my kids activity online, who they talk to, what other people would tell them.I'm much more relaxed now that they wount meet any strange guys over the internet.

I recommand this product with all my heart,

I think the best way is to end your doubts and incertitudes and get evidence...good or bad, it can only make you feel free from your doubts and its in your best interest to know what is going on...,

Hope everything turn for the best,

Take care,


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Thank you for the info! I checked out that site...and the software seems the best for what i need.

I tryed talking to him, but he still said "its nothing...just work"...si right now i have more doubts than ever...i love him...but i plan to get that software to at least know what he wants from me...to know some things for sure.

Thank you again, luckycharm....it exactly what i need!

Best wishes,


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