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Was this guy flirting with me?


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So I've often heard people say that when a guy gets unusually close to you or touches you when there's no specific need to, then he's probably flirting. I was wondering if that's the case with this guy who is in one of my classes. Before class, me and a few people who had gotten there early were talking about and comparing our heights. I'm tall, about 6 feet, and there were two other guys who were kind of close to my height but a little taller. One of them said he was between 6'2" and 6'3", and I sort of skeptically said I felt he was maybe 6'1" because I felt I was really close to his height. In response to that, he came over reeeally close to me, and instead of putting his back to mine or standing shoulder to shoulder like most people do when comparing height he stood right in front of me and said something along the lines of "yeah I'm taller, my mouth is at your eye." He stayed like that for longer than I would have expected, long enough that I was kind of surprised and turned to the side, and then he sort of gave me a side hug for a few seconds. I was really surprised by it since I don't know him that well, and it really has me wondering now.


When guys do things like that does that often mean they are flirting in some way? I feel like he wouldn't have done it if he found me repulsive. If he was trying to flirt he did a good job I suppose.

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He could be just friendly.


I give hugs to people I don't know when I first meet them. I'm just being friendly. Not flirting.


Heck, I dont even know how to flirt. I'm just myself.


the thing is, I can usually tell when the person is just being friendly or giving a friendly hug because I give people hugs too. This was just kind of a weird lingering thing that was at an odd time. I usually only hug people I'm not particularly close with when I first see them or I'm leaving

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