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Can someone be this low...


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I wanted some advice on what I should do w my boyfriend...or ex boyfriend?? well we are both in college, we have been together for 3months. Hes been busy w school and his internship. So there was a lack of communication. I texted if he was still interested and he replied "Yes, im very very very interested in you!" So i thought it was fine..he was just busy. Understandable.

However, he hasnt made the effort to talk to me in 5 days. I have texted him how i feel when he doesnt talk too me. Feeling uncared for, unappreciated and disrespected. But still no reply. I dont understand why hes doing this...i thought everything was going great!

So at this point I know he is ignoring me. So should i assume its over? I was going to text him one last time tomorrow saying if he doesnt talk to me by the end of the day its over and we can move on w our lives.

Or should I not even talk to him anymore?

Also, i kno hes not that busy cause he was on facebook a few times..

Thx for the help!

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Detach from him while you still can, because it's obvious he's going to stuff you around if you don't. No need to text him with the ultimatum, just read the signs and unfortunately accept that he's not as interested as you are yet wouldn't admit it if asked outright. Don't initiate any more, and if he does get back to you eventually it'd be wise to reject his halfhearted advances. Save yourself some heartache. He might not be 'low' but might be simply thoughtless.

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facebook doesn't require a protracted conversation assuaging someone's insecurities. He can withdraw from it at any time and go do what needs to be done, so saying "well, he's got time for facebook and not me" is like comparing apples and oranges.


He's got other priorities before you and that's just how it's going to be. If you're that needy, then you need to find someone who has time on their hands to devote to focusing on you in a way in which you require. This guy isn't that guy. You're just wasting time and youth trying to force fit him into a role he's not interested in.

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