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Mixed signals from him...what do they mean?


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Hi everyone,


There is a guy whom I know is attracted to me but is giving mixed signals. So we first met a few weeks ago at a party and didn't specifically talk to each other, but I realized after the party that he was interesting so I decided to message him online. He was interested in me too and we hungout a couple of times. We get along very well...we laugh a lot and also talk about things on a deeper level...he confessed he really liked talking to me and hanging out with me. We've made out a couple times.

Anyway, for the past couple weeks he's been texting me every day, but we only hangout during the weekends. We go to the same school, but he for some reason isn't putting effort into seeing me in school even though he specifically said he wanted to (and even said it made him sad because he thought i didn't want to see him). He sends me flirty messages, but is strange about hanging out (he doesn't openly ask me, yet he hints to it sometimes). His ex-girlfriend was a very pushy and outgoing person, so I guess he expects me to treat him like that?

I am not one to chase after guys, so I haven't really been putting enormous amounts of effort into seeing him, either. But he makes it seem like he's hard to get and that annoys me because many people have said I'm too good for him, physically and mentally (even though I don't necessarily think so). He's told me he likes me and is flirtatious, but WHY doesn't he try harder to hang out with me?



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You say you are in school. High school or college? I ask only to access the age level. In addition, you both met at a party but didn't speak much, yet you figured out he liked you. How did you come to this conclusion?


From what you provided it sounds like he is either hard to get, immature (inexperienced) or maybe not 100% committed to anything serious. However, I do advise you to be yourself. If you do not like to chase him then don't. If at anytime you feel that this had gone to far and his behavior is to stand offish or immature then sit down with him and talk with him but do not allow it to eat you up emotionally.


Good luck

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You say you are in school. High school or college? I ask only to access the age level. In addition, you both met at a party but didn't speak much, yet you figured out he liked you. How did you come to this conclusion?


From what you provided it sounds like he is either hard to get, immature (inexperienced) or maybe not 100% committed to anything serious. However, I do advise you to be yourself. If you do not like to chase him then don't. If at anytime you feel that this had gone to far and his behavior is to stand offish or immature then sit down with him and talk with him but do not allow it to eat you up emotionally.


Good luck


Yes, we are seniors in high school. And we met at a party, but I found him online and messaged him, and he was interested. Then we hungout and both started to like each other. Thanks for the advice, you're right I shouldn't be anything other than myself in this situation.

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I have no intentions of being rude or inconsiderate but the reason why I ask if you are in high school or college is because the man you are interested sounds immature.


A man who likes a woman looks forwards to spending time with that person, socially or in private. A real man has no shame in his actions. Especially if he likes a woman.


I do not mean any disrespect because you are in high school but you are very young yet you sounds like you have a leveled head. Be yourself. At the same time, focus on what is important which is school. Date whomever you want but when you encounter such episodes from men who act like kids, feel free to move on. You have no reason to tolerate such nonsense especially when you have so much to look forwards to in this life.


Good luck

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