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Experiences with celexa and trazedome?


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So I went to the doctor today. She referred me to a counselor and prescribed me celexa for anxiety and trazedome for the nights when I can't sleep from my anxiety. I was wondering if anyone has experience with these medications? I've never taken anything for anxiety/sleeping before, I'm very nervous to see how it affects me.

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Different people react differently to medications. So how it affects one person might not be true for the next person. Did the doctor describe side effects to you? Did the pharmacist go over the medications with you? The pharmacist probably knows more about the medication than the doctor does. Become informed about the medications you're given, all medications.

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Different people react differently to medications. So how it affects one person might not be true for the next person. Did the doctor describe side effects to you? Did the pharmacist go over the medications with you? The pharmacist probably knows more about the medication than the doctor does. Become informed about the medications you're given, all medications.


Yes. She told me the most prevalent side effect with celexa is lower sec drive, which is fine with me because since coming off of hormonal b/c I've had the sex drive of a rabbit in heat. haha but I just wanted to see people personal experiences with it. Positive and negative.

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Loss of sex drive is very common with antianxiety and depression medication. Unfortunately for some it also means zero sex drive. They call it loss of sex drive but for a lot of people it is really zero sex drive.


Oh god - I hope not! That would suck.

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Trazadone- took if for 11 years...Started weening off of it in December. I am now 7 months medication free!!! But I loved it while I was taking it! Depending on your dosage....it would knock me right out. If i took it and tried to stay awake it would make me feel drunk. One time I accidently mixed it up with my daily meds and took it in the morning....by the time i got to school I literally passed out, woke up and threw up. Be careful with it. Only take it as perscribed.

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Never taken celexa, but I did take trazadone many years ago and it was amazing. Would knock me right the heck out and i have major sleeping issues. I actually dont know why I am not on it now lol. I have tried many different things and over the counter medications and literally the only thing that can put me to sleep is trazadone or xanax but with xanax i have to take like 5 of them so it sucks

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